Study leader Ruth Striegel-Moore of Wesleyan University in Connecticut finds the prevalence of binge eating, purging or being "diagnosed for an eating disorder" among American Indian women parallels ethnically white women.
"This commonality between American Indian and white women refutes the myth that eating disorders are problems that only affect white girls and women," Striegel-Moore says in a statement.
This wasn't part of traditional Native cultures. Alas, it's part of them now.
For more on how society pressures girls, see Disney's Princesses Grow Up, a Little, Lovely Indian Girl Make Up Game, and Male Warriors and Female Princesses.
Below: Who wants to be a squaw?

When she could be a princess?

Women, you too can be a Lovely Indian Girl like Pocahontas if you just binge and purge.

Well, it's more than that. People with eating disorders usually feel a need to have control over something, because their lives are out of control. The really bad cases actually become psychotic, anthropomorphizing their eating disorders with a pun name.
I have never known any Indian women who did this, but it must be the younger generation catching on to it as the article states. Too much access to all the twisted modern media.
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