After checking out of the Paris, we spent most of the day at the booth again. I did get a couple of photo opportunities at the show. Walking to our booth, I took pix of an indoor waterfall and a Buddha. And before we left, I took a last jaunt around the floor. That was just enough time to take pix of the Native comedians at the Pow Wow Comedy Jam booth, the go-go dancers, and Supergirl.
On the way home I had a few more photo ops: the Las Vegas Strip, Bob's Big Boy in Barstow, and cloud formations over the desert. Then we had chicken soup for dinner at Victor's house, and I drove home.
Global Gaming Expo (Day 4)--October 6, 2011For more on the subject, see
Global Gaming Expo 2011 (Day 3) and
Pix of Global Gaming Expo 2010.
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