Do I have to explain again how I generally post the news as I find it? If Beach is in more projects than anyone else, I'll report on him more than anyone else. Your presumption that I'm playing favorites is sadly mistaken.
I don't think I've said anything is Beach's fault. I mentioned Beach in the previous posting only in response to reader Jet, who mentioned him first. I don't know where you got the idea that I'm fixated on him, but again you're sadly mistaken.
I've read about and talked to Beach a few times. He's said he wants to be a role model for Native youth and an activist for Native causes. His latest project is encouraging Native storytelling via his OVNTV Internet site. I'm not pushing him into some position beyond acting; he's doing that himself.
Getting Beach dirty?
FYI, dragging Beach's name through the dirt means besmirching his character, not criticizing his work. The only thing I've done is the latter, and only occasionally.
In fact, someone else wrote that I "kiss up to no talent hacks like Adam Beach." You gotta love it when clueless critics cancel each other out. Why don't you two compare notes and decide whether I'm kissing up to him or dragging his name through the dirt? Then tell us which it is, okay?
Here, I'll help you out. For every time I've posted criticism of him, I've probably posted praise three or four times. That's because his work generally earns praise. So no, I don't think I owe him anything. He'll continue to get fair treatment in Newspaper Rock just like everyone else.
If I could interview him, I'm not sure what you'd want me to ask him. Whether he considers himself an actor only or a role model and activist as well? Yes, I could ask him that, but I've already indicated his probable answer.
Does anyone else have a question for Beach? If someone submits a good question, I'll try to get it to him. Put on your thinking caps, people.
For more on the subject, see The Best Indian Movies.

1 comment:
Graham Greene comes to mind when I think of Native actors, a little more than Beach. I think this is because I've seen him in more things. He also has quite an impressive resume.
Interesting that looking in IMDB I see he has played/ will play two different characters with the surname of Clearwater.
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