By Babette Herrmann
Guided by spirit and vision, he wrote and directed “The Rainbow Boy.” Leland Grass stars as Eagle Catcher, a Navajo man who time travels through a cave from circa 1300 AD to present day. He arrives donning a knee-high loin cloth, spear and shield, and struggles to understand a world bustling with cars, strange clothing, liquor--and the environmental toll of the modern lifestyle.
Pond said distribution houses tend to take control of a film, from the research down to the editing. “You sign your rights away.”
Not the right move for a film close to Brown’s heart.
In lieu, he opened an online account to raise the $15,000 needed to shoot the final scenes and complete the sound score. Kickstarter enables the general public to solicit help on creative projects. By mid-April, donors had funneled more than $7,330 toward the project with a target deadline of May 11.

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