Comment: Veronica lasted a few weeks longer than I expected, but now she's gone. Alas, the outcome was pretty much inevitable.
Tribal sovereignty and tribal courts were never a serious impediment to this outcome. I didn't think they would be. America doesn't work that way.
Some Native reactions from Twitter:
Veronica has been handed to the Copabiancos, taken away from her dad, family, & tribe. How is this fair? #heartbroken
Coya Hope @coyahope
@NativeApprops because white people don't want to hear no, and have all those systems are designed to back them up, even to steal a child.
Nellie @sailordom
@NativeApprops Really shows how many people still think "best interests of child" means "adopted by white family"
Ruth Hopkins @_RuthHopkins
If state courts can disregard ICWA & Tribal Sovereignty to take #BabyVeronica from her birth father, none of our #Native children are safe.
Patrick G. Barkman @PGBarkman
#BabyVeronica proves yet again the great truth of American history: that anything of value NDNs have can be taken by white ppl at their whim
That's justice, American-style: 1) Determine outcome--e.g., cute baby should be with white folks. 2) Ignore law and make rulings to achieve outcome.
Funny that most of the articles don't seem to be reporting Veronica's reactions. I suspect that's a result of their pro-white, pro-adoption bias.
Of course, only one news account said she was screaming. Maybe it has a pro-Native bias.
In any case, I hope the Capobiancos have good mental health coverage. I suspect #BabyVeronica is in for a lifetime of abandonment and anger issues.
For more on Baby Veronica, see Baby Veronica Case Violates Sovereignty and Oklahoma Governor Orders Extradition for Brown.

1 comment:
For more on the subject, see:
Baby Veronica handover prompted 'a lot of crying'
Details emerge about the events leading up to the change in custody for the Cherokee girl.
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