July 22, 2010

National Day of the American Cowboy

A Senate resolution to honor the American cowboy:

National Day of the American CowboyWhereas pioneering men and women, recognized as `cowboys', helped establish the American West;

Whereas the cowboy embodies honesty, integrity, courage, compassion, respect, a strong work ethic, and patriotism;

Whereas the cowboy spirit exemplifies strength of character, sound family values, and good common sense;

Whereas the cowboy archetype transcends ethnicity, gender, geographic boundaries, and political affiliations;

Whereas the cowboy is an excellent steward of the land and its creatures, who lives off the land and works to protect and enhance the environment;

Whereas cowboy traditions have been a part of American culture for generations;

Whereas the cowboy continues to be an important part of the economy through the work of many thousands of ranchers across the Nation who contribute to the economic well-being of every State;

Whereas millions of fans watch professional and working ranch rodeo events annually, and rodeo is one of the most-watched sports in the Nation;

Whereas membership and participation in rodeo and other organizations that promote and encompass the livelihood of cowboys span every generation and transcend race and gender;

Whereas the cowboy is a central figure in literature, film, and music and occupies a central place in the public imagination;

Whereas the cowboy is an American icon; and

Whereas the ongoing contributions made by cowboys and cowgirls to their communities should be recognized and encouraged: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate--

(1) designates July 24, 2010, as `National Day of the American Cowboy'; and

(2) encourages the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
Comment:  This is standard pro-cowboy propaganda. Let's look at these claims:Whereas pioneering men and women, recognized as `cowboys', helped establish the American West;Yes, by dispossessing the Indians, destroying their cultures, and sometimes killing them outright.Whereas the cowboy embodies honesty, integrity, courage, compassion, respect, a strong work ethic, and patriotism;I guess it was someone else who broke Indian treaties, hunted down stray Indians like dogs, and massacred them while they slept. Maybe it was America's cowboy Army or cowboy government, not its cowboy cowboys.Whereas the cowboy spirit exemplifies strength of character, sound family values, and good common sense;See above.Whereas the cowboy archetype transcends ethnicity, gender, geographic boundaries, and political affiliations;Yeah, because no one would dream of cowboys being involved in ethnic cleansing. I mean, who ever heard of "cowboys 'n' Indians"?

Funny, I think of the cowboy as the embodiment of America's white, Christian philosophy of Manifest Destiny. That has everything to do with ethnicity, geographic boundaries, and political affiliations.Whereas the cowboy is an excellent steward of the land and its creatures, who lives off the land and works to protect and enhance the environment;Water wars, range destruction, buffalo extermination, etc.Whereas the cowboy is a central figure in literature, film, and music and occupies a central place in the public imagination;

Whereas the cowboy is an American icon;
I'll agree with that much. Unfortunately, what America stands for is the rugged individualist who takes what he wants without regard for others. In other words, the libertarian, the greedy capitalist, or the conquering "hero."

For more on the subject, see How America Became Cowboy Country, Movies Convey "America's Master Narrative," and "Cowboys and Indians" Images.

Below:  The ultimate cowboy.

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