Walkers will pick up trash along the road throughout the 5-month-long journey, scheduled to end July 11.
"The calling is so great, I would sacrifice anything for it," said Lupita Torres, 26, whose parents are from Mexico. Torres is a regular figure at California's only tribal college, Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl University, whose premise was to unite Natives from both sides of the U.S. /Mexico border. The school is one of many stops where marchers will eat and rest.
"This is a chance to be part of history," she said. "This seventh generation has to change the world, we don't have a choice. Our consumption concerns me, so many people are affected by uranium mining, coal mining--all those things are archaic. We should be looking at solar, wind. How can you keep selling the land and water? Those things are sacred. But a lot of people don't know that."

writerfella here --
Apparently those other than the Plains tribes believe somewhat differingly. For it is that the Plains people recognize that change shall be forthcoming during the time of the fifth generation, which happens to be RIGHT now. Ask the Sioux, and they will have quite a lot to say, some of which it definitely will be difficult to hear...
All Best
Russ Bates
I addressed your point about the "fifth generation" in Shoes Step on the Sacred?
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