Frank LaMere, caucus chairman and a member of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, said the Caucus is unified behind Senator Barack Obama because he has consistently engaged Indian Country and consistently sought input from tribes. LaMere reminded delegates that they were here to talk about what could be and what should be in their communities and nations.
"Barack Obama gets what is happening in Indian Country. His message of hope and change is one that resonates with tribal people," LaMere said. "Everywhere you go across this nation, Indian people are calling for change and they are calling for new and bold leadership. As American Indian people, we are hopeful for our future but terribly concerned about the direction our country is currently headed. The same old politics and policies that have divided us will not allow us to achieve the change we need."
Candidate's spokesman says allegations are wrong
The McCain campaign is not accepting the criticism, and a spokesman for the senator from Arizona is strongly defending the presumptive GOP candidate's integrity.
A draft resolution being considered for adoption by the First American Caucus reads in part: "... lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his Republican cohorts have done irrefutable harm to tribes and their ability to fully participate in political campaigns ..."

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