Trimble: Let go the chains of victimhood
"These kids should not have to succeed and develop healthy attitudes in spite of those who are supposed to be teaching them in college," he said. "We sell them short when we treat them as victims."
In related news, the Treasury Dept. is going to try "Whip Inflation Now" to cure our economic woes. The DEA's new anti-drug program is "Just say no to drugs." And Bush plans to win the war on Iraq by uttering "Mission accomplished" over and over.
I'd love to hear the last time a stupid slogan accomplished anything. When was that, exactly? Can anyone think of an example?
Back to Trimble, Deloria, and the documentarians...I suggest the two groups engage in a spirited debate. Determine whether multigenerational suffering is real or imaginary. And let us know the result.
I can just imagine Trimble and Deloria at an Indian boarding school. They'd be haranguing the institutionalized students to stop whining. "So your people lost the Indian Wars. So you used to be free. So what?
"Get over it. You're here now and there's nothing you can do it about it, so sit back and enjoy it. You have a golden opportunity to learn English, master a trade, and become good Christian white men. Seize the day!"
For more on the subject, see Blaming the Victim.
Below: Another deep conservative thinker and his stupid slogan.

Another similar line to the "get over it" and other lines you listed:
"You better put some ice on that."
Writerfella here --
writerfella always has been amused by Okies who say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Alll Best
Russ Bates
I believe Mr. Trimble did go to a boarding school, actually...
Even if he did, I'd still like to hear what he would've said to his fellow students. With his present state of mind, that is.
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