In part, he said, that is because of a stronger plank on sovereignty.
"There are some direct statements about the need to acknowledge, promote and strengthen tribal sovereignty," he said, "and the recognition that tribes have had sovereignty before."
Although Macarro and other platform committee members refined the exact wording, he said the real work had been done months earlier by such tribal leaders as Ron His Horse Is Thunder, chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe of North and South Dakota, who also served on the Democratic Platform Committee.
Meanwhile, in outlining their proposals, the Native delegates said tribal issues "have suffered from inattention" during the transition from one administration to the next and called for a list of priorities addressing the needs of the Native community.
They include the need for:
• Trust reform and better management of tribal natural resources
• Adequate funding of tribal governmental services for education, health care, transportation and law enforcement
• The development of new resources to reduce crime on Indian reservations, especially to combat drug trafficking, domestic violence and sexual assault
• Strong leadership in the White House on tribal sovereignty and treaty rights

Writerfella here --
Because Barrack O'Bama did not select Hillary Clinton as his running mate, writerfella's nieces did not attend the DNC. Thus, the Denver police and the FBI and the members of the SuperAgency had no one to protect. writerfella is happy...
All Best
Russ Bates
I have no idea what your "SuperAgency" is. More made-up nonsense, presumably.
In any case, the Denver police, the FBI, and the Secret Service did their usual fine job of protecting Obama, Biden, and the Clintons.
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