July 28, 2009

Barker bearish after Cherokee meeting

Bob Barker, PETA call for release of Cherokee zoo animals

By Dale NealBob Barker and the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals will take their campaign to free the bears in captivity to the nation’s animal lovers, Barker said in a press conference today.

“Things are going to change on the Cherokee Reservation, I promise,” said Barker, the game-show host and animal advocate.

Barker became involved at the request of the wife of Rep. Bill Young of Florida. The Youngs visited Cherokee last summer on a family vacation, and Beverly Young said she was outraged when she saw bears kept in concrete pits.

“What they’re doing is not bringing tourism here. It’s turning our stomachs,” Mrs. Young said at the press conference held today at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Asheville.

Barker got the audience he wanted in meeting with Principal Chief Michell Hicks and five members of the Tribal Council for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians on Tuesday.

But he didn't get so much as a hint the tribe would do anything to try to change living conditions for bears in private zoos on the reservation.
Comment:  Indianz.com adds that Barker "grew up on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota."

Below:  "Former game show host Bob Barker appears at a PETA press conference in Asheville about the treatment of captive bears in small enclosures in Cherokee." (Bill Sanders)


dmarks said...

According to Wikipedia, " He is 1/8 Native American from his mother's side.[citation needed]". The page also confirmed that he grew up on the reservation.

An interesting one to consider for the "is he a Native?" question. Probably not, but childhood experience makes him more of a candidate than any wannabe.

Simone Rene said...


- if investigations to the treatment and house of the animals have been considered, including whether or not these animals were born in captivity and can be placed in the wild and survive

- if perhaps we should free all animals from all petting and other zoos around the country, but I suspect PETA is working on that as well.

- If Bob Barker could ask those involved to "Let's Make A Deal"...wait wait..that was Monty Hall :|

Anonymous said...

PETA, AFAIK, is against any animals being held for any purpose - zoos, farm animals, and even domestic pets.