In an email exchange on the Tea Party listserv, obtained by TPMmuckraker, Amy Kremer wrote:
David, we all support you fully and are here for you. I can assure you of one thing and that is we will protect our own. We all have your back my friend!
Let me know what I can do to help. I am here for you if you need me David.
And we've got the latest example.
On Sunday night, Dr. David McKalip forwarded to fellow members of a Google listserv affiliated with the Tea Party movement the image below. Above it, he wrote: "Funny stuff."
Comment: Amazing that some people don't see the racist hypocrisy in protesting Obama's economic-stimulus deficits but not Bush's tax-cut deficits. In fact, racism is evident throughout the conservative movement--e.g., in Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan, and the Senators questioning Sonia Sotomayor.
For more on the lily-white "tea parties," see Another Phony Indian Teabagger and Teabaggers Misuse Indian Imagery. For more on racist conservatives, see Right-Wing Racism Against Obama and Right-Wingers Foment Hate

Tax revenues increased as a result of Bush's tax cuts (which were mostly for the middle class). However, Bush overspent and only vetoed bad spending bills a couple of times. Hence the debt. That's a mistake that President Obama is repeating, and doing much worse at.
"some people don't see the racist hypocrisy in protesting Obama's economic-stimulus deficits but not Bush's tax-cut deficits."
There is absolutely nothing racist about opposing Obama's poor spending choices. If there is any hypocrisy, realise that the same people would protest what you describe if our current president were Gore or Kerry (white guys) making the same choices. Then you would be forced to retire the "racist hypocrisy" claim and replace it with "hypocrisy". If it were President Hillary, you'd probably replace it with "sexist hypocrisy".
Some criticism of Obama is racist. Not all is, however. Criticism of Obama over the waste spending bills is certainly not racist at all.
On to something that is actually racist:
As for the image, I wish I'd been on that email list. I would have vented at them over that.
"Comment: Amazing that some people don't see the racist hypocrisy in protesting Obama's economic-stimulus deficits but not Bush's tax-cut deficits."
If criticizing Obama ia racist then you're a sexist for criticizing Palin and an anti-semite for criticizing Israel.
"In fact, racism is evident throughout the conservative movement--e.g., in Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan, and the Senators questioning Sonia Sotomayor."
And it's also evident throughout the leftist movement, for example at anti-Israel rally a woman yelled (at Jewish counter protesters) "get back in the oven, that's what you need a big oven!" Anti-Semitism runs - correction - gallops through the left.
Tax revenues increased as a result of Bush's tax cuts
No they didn't. Where the hell do you get your info?
Anti-Semitism runs - correction - gallops through the left.
A complete fucking lie -- as usual from Stephen.
"A complete fucking lie -- as usual from Stephen."
Really? Then please explain to me the sheer amount of anti-semitism from such people as Chomsky and Galloway and the sheer amount of Jew hating one sees at anti-Israel rallies (ie 'go back in the oven'). Just look at how many lefities compare Israel to Nazi Germany and use the anti-semitic slur 'zionazi'. The didealogy that AIM, Ward Churchill and Russell Means' (who thinks Jews rule America) org holds is also inherently anti-semitic, I have yet to see an AIM blog that didn't have at least one anti-semitic post. Look at how many lefties want to believe that mossad was behind 9/11 or that an all powerful Israel lobby exists etc.
So contrary to your claim the left is heavily anti-semitic. Von Brunn (who isn't a conservative seeing as he hates bush, conservatives, the Iraq war, capitalism etc.) is another example.
Then please explain to me the sheer amount of anti-semitism from such people as Chomsky
First you'll have to explain to me Chomsky's first name.
the sheer amount of Jew hating one sees at anti-Israel rallies (ie 'go back in the oven')
Photograph and source please.
Just look at how many lefities compare Israel to Nazi Germany... point out the ironies of discrimination.
If you dislike Saudi Arabia, it must mean that you hate all Arabs? Interesting.
Look at how many lefties want to believe that mossad was behind 9/11
Zero? Or... essentially zero?
So contrary to your claim the left is heavily anti-semitic. Von Brunn
Von Brunn a leftist??? Are you on crack??
By the way...
some people don't see the racist hypocrisy in protesting Obama's economic-stimulus deficits but not Bush's tax-cut deficits
"Racist" hypocrisy? What the hell is Rob talking about? The only reason they don't like the new spending is that Obama has a (D) after his name.
"Reagan proved deficits don't matter" -- Dick Cheney, 2002
Whew. I thought you'd found actual cases of liberal prejudice against Jews, Stephen. Instead you've found cases of liberal opposition to the Israeli government. Sorry, not even close to the same thing. Try again.
FYI, protesting the Chinese government isn't "prejudice against Asians." Protesting the Sudanese government isn't "prejudice against blacks." Protesting the Cuban government isn't "prejudice against Latinos." And protesting the Israeli government isn't "prejudice against Jews."
When you find me or any liberal writing "Jews do this or that" instead of "Israelis do this or that," then you can accuse us of prejudice. Until then, no.
The political prejudice against Obama as a Democrat is exacerbated by the cultural prejudice against him as a black man. There have been a dozen or so examples of this in the media recently. The whole "birther" movement, for instance. And hundreds if not thousands of examples since Barack "Hussein" began running for president.
Again, these are examples of prejudice against Obama that didn't happen when Bush was president. What also didn't happen then was widespread conservative protests against Bush's deficit spending. Hence my claim that most conservatives are hypocrites.
Nor is there any evidence that the conservatives who didn't protest Bush's deficits also would've protested a white Democrat's deficits. If all you have is speculation about what might've happened, spare me. Let me know when you can find the first example of a tea party-style protest against Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, or Clinton. Or against Nixon, Ford, Reagan, or Bush Sr., for that matter.
Meanwhile, we're monitoring the real and ongoing right-wing racism against Obama. For the latest documentation of this racism, see:
"Photograph and source please."
On January 8, at an anti-Israel demonstration in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, organized by the leftist group ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), a lady in a hijab shouted at Jewish counter-demonstrators “Go back to the oven” (in reference to the Holocaust), and “You need a big oven, that’s what you need.”
Instead of condemning hijab-lady, Emmanuel Lopez, ANSWER’s Florida coordinator, assured us that the “vast majority of demonstrators,” do not want to cremate Jews. In an effort to be even-handed, Lopez went on to call the Jews who were told to “go back to the oven,” barbaric, racist, Zionist terrorists.” (Lopez: “Zionism in general is a barbaric racist movement that really is the cause of the situation in the entire Middle East.”)
" point out the ironies of discrimination."
It's offensive and anti-semitic to compare Israel to Nazi Germany, there's no reason to other than to offend, if some wants to compare Israel to a regime (a comparison more fitting of Islamic hell holes) they could at least have the taste not to pick a dictatorship other than Hitler's.
"If you dislike Saudi Arabia, it must mean that you hate all Arabs? Interesting."
What on earth are you talking?
"Von Brunn a leftist??? Are you on crack??"
The guy hates bush, neo cons, the Iraq war, capitalism and supports socialism.
"Whew. I thought you'd found actual cases of liberal prejudice against Jews, Stephen. Instead you've found cases of liberal opposition to the Israeli government. Sorry, not even close to the same thing. Try again."
Did you even read the articles?
"FYI, protesting the Chinese government isn't "prejudice against Asians." Protesting the Sudanese government isn't "prejudice against blacks." Protesting the Cuban government isn't "prejudice against Latinos." And protesting the Israeli government isn't "prejudice against Jews."
Of course it isn't, however crap like this:
Is prejudice against Jews. And those articles were not just focusing on anti-Israel sentiments, go back and read them again. Also you claimed that criticizing Islam is prejudice against Muslims, by that logic criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic.
"When you find me or any liberal writing "Jews do this or that" instead of "Israelis do this or that," then you can accuse us of prejudice. Until then, no."
*Sighs.* Read the articles and as I pointed out the leftist idealogy that AIM and Russell Means' org spout is inherently anti-Semitic.
Once again protesting Israel isn't anti-Semitism, but nonsense like equating it with Nazi Germany is, a few examples:
The sheer amount of anti-semitic garbage at these whine fests show just how deep anti-semitism runs through the left. It's also interesting how you think it's racist to criticize Obama but not anti-semitic to criticize Israel. Some more example of left wing anti-semitism:
Also I can't really feel any anger at racism directed at Obama, mainly because dear lil' Barry is a vile homophobic bigot who no problem being associated with anti-gay hate mongers.
Emmanuel Lopez, ANSWER’s Florida coordinator
WOW! Emmanuel Lopez, the coordinator of ANSWER!! In FLORIDA!!! What a pivotal figure on the Left. And a pro-Hamas demonstration by Islamists! What a good example!
[Von Brunn] hates bush, neo cons, the Iraq war, capitalism... nearly every other person on the Extreme Right.
... and supports socialism.
Of course it isn't, however crap like this: ... Is prejudice against Jews.
You are STILL unable to explain why so many Jews outside Israel have condemned Israel.
You are STILL unable to come up with a good reason for your claim that the Left is flooded with anti-Semitism, except for demonstrations by Islamic extremists. That's why you're a liar.
Go to DailyKos (you know -- the far, far left "hate site"), sign up for an account, and publish a diary claiming that the world is being destroyed by Jews. Then come back and tell me what happened.
Try the same at FireDogLake, Huff and Puff, etc. Seeing as anti-Semitism "gallops" through the Left.
Your sources of information, by the way, are precious. Your links go to:
The ADL, a biased soft-rightist organisation
The racist blog No Quarter USA, which claimed that Michelle Obama screamed about "whitey" at a meeting, claimed they had video, and then continued to claim the video exists despite absolutely no proof, and still do
Town Hall, which is a group blog for the insane (latest article: "Liberal bloggers perpetuate birther conspiracy" -- apparently Lou Dobbs and Andrew McCarthy are liberal bloggers)
An editorial by Jeff Jacoby, who is as dumb as a bag of hammers
Also I can't really feel any anger at racism directed at Obama, mainly because dear lil' Barry is a vile homophobic bigot who no problem being associated with anti-gay hate mongers.
Yes it is disturbing how he wants to compromise with the Republicans on so many issues, isn't it? If only Bush had found the time during his eight years of incumbency to repeal DADT!
You know, thinking about all these links, maybe you're not fibbing, just naive. If I saw nothing but Fox and read nothing but Town Hall all day I would probably have a pretty warped perspective too.
Ignore my angry yelling. Don't waste time putting up a reply I probably won't even see. Just do yourself a favor and read (carefully) a wider range of blogs. That's all.
"WOW! Emmanuel Lopez, the coordinator of ANSWER!! In FLORIDA!!! What a pivotal figure on the Left. And a pro-Hamas demonstration by Islamists! What a good example!"
You want prominent leftist anti-semites? Try Chomsky or Moore for starters.
Oh realllly?
"You are STILL unable to explain why so many Jews outside Israel have condemned Israel."
For the zillionth time I'm not saying that condemning Israel makes a person anti-semitic, crap like comparing to nazi germany is however. And please don't bother mentioning self hating Jews like Finklestein (who supports terrorism) or Noam Chomsky.
"You are STILL unable to come up with a good reason for your claim that the Left is flooded with anti-Semitism, except for demonstrations by Islamic extremists. That's why you're a liar."
Quite a few reasons are listed in one of the articles I posted.
"Go to DailyKos (you know -- the far, far left "hate site"), sign up for an account, and publish a diary claiming that the world is being destroyed by Jews. Then come back and tell me what happened."
I'd wager quite a few of them would have no problem with Israel being compared to Nazi Germany, Michael Moore's anti-semitism and other such things. You don't seem to understand how subtle anti-semitism can be.
"The ADL, a biased soft-rightist organisation
The racist blog No Quarter USA, which claimed that Michelle Obama screamed about "whitey" at a meeting, claimed they had video, and then continued to claim the video exists despite absolutely no proof, and still do
Town Hall, which is a group blog for the insane (latest article: "Liberal bloggers perpetuate birther conspiracy" -- apparently Lou Dobbs and Andrew McCarthy are liberal bloggers)"
I don't care seeing as that does not disprove the facts in the articles, try focusing on those, the fact that you're resorting to this idiotic argument shows that you haven't a leg to stand on.
"Yes it is disturbing how he wants to compromise with the Republicans on so many issues, isn't it? If only Bush had found the time during his eight years of incumbency to repeal DADT!"
I'm referring to this:
That isn't a compromise that's bigotry.
"You know, thinking about all these links, maybe you're not fibbing, just naive."
Naive, hmmm that's a perfect word for a certain someone who didn't see anything bigoted about calling Jews nazis or thought a joke about Obama was for real.
"If I saw nothing but Fox and read nothing but Town Hall all day I would probably have a pretty warped perspective too."
I don't, the facts on the articles I posted check out just fine, focus on the actual facts mkay? I posted those not because I'm right wing (note how I posted a huffington post article) but because they were the first results I got on a google search.
You want prominent leftist anti-semites? Try Chomsky or Moore
I don't care seeing as that does not disprove the facts in the articles,
That isn't a compromise that's bigotry.
So why didn't Bush repeal Clinton's DADT? Seeing as that offends you SO MUCH when Obama CONTINUES the policy Stephen?
I don't, the facts on the articles I posted check out just fine,
Wow you are so right Stephen! One swallow truly IS a summer! And an Islamist in a hijab TRULY IS the average American Leftist! How could I have been so blind as to think that Jon Stewart was some kind of "Jewish person" when in fact he is ROBOT FUCKING HITLER!!!
Noam, why? Also speaking of your use of caps:
Prove it.
"So why didn't Bush repeal Clinton's DADT? Seeing as that offends you SO MUCH when Obama CONTINUES the policy Stephen?"
Of course Bush's actions offend me, however we are talking about Obama not Bush's reign of terror, I don't see a reason include a 'btw Bush sucked' footnote next to every criticism of Obama I make just to satisfy lefties like you.
"Wow you are so right Stephen! One swallow truly IS a summer! And an Islamist in a hijab TRULY IS the average American Leftist!"
Where did I post that? Oh that's right I didn't.
"How could I have been so blind as to think that Jon Stewart was some kind of "Jewish person" when in fact he is ROBOT FUCKING HITLER!"
You really don't get it do you? Jews can also be anti-semitic, just google what Karl Marx (who came from a long line of rabbis) had to say about Jews. Just because there are some Jews out there with self hatred issues, doesn't make slurs like 'zionazi' or comparing Israel to Nazi Germany or other crap okay. That's like arguing that the redskins team isn't offensive because some Indians don't have a problem with it. There were also women under Victorian sexism who 'knew their place', does that make Victorian misogyny okay in your book?
Oh yeah quick question, what do you think about Obama praising the 'legacy' of that genocidial mad man Kemal Mustafa Attaturk (who inspired Hitler)?
"(AGI) - Ankara, 6 Apr. Barack Obama has placed flowers on the tomb of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to mark the start of his two-day visit to Turkey, the key ally Washington needs to resolve the problems in the regions, from Iraq to Afghanistan. "I can't wait to strengthen the relations between the USA and Turkey and Ataturk's vision of Turkey'' said Obama. Ataturk was ''a man with a vision, he was tenacious and courageous and led Turkey on the way to democracy'' he continued, adding one of the most popular slogans of the country's first president: ''Peace at home, peace in the world''. Protected by 4,000 policemen in Ankara, Obama visited President Absullah Gul. This afternoon the US president will address the Turkish Parliament before his meeting with the premier, Recep Tayyp Erdohan. This evening Obama will fly to Istanbul to participate in a reception offered by Gul. Obama will also have talks with religious leaders and he will visit the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia.
After his visit the US president will return to Washington."
Also speaking of your use of caps:
I use capslock because you apparently have a problem with reading what I have written. Given your general stupidity, I thought maybe you had a problem with lower-case. If not, prove it by responding with something other than links to lying morons.
Where did I post that? Oh that's right I didn't.
You wanted to show that Anti-Semitism "GALLOPS" on the Left. When challenged, you produce an example: a bunch of Islamists who support Hamas. Gosh I'm impressed by your standards of reasoning!
You really don't get it do you? Jews can also be anti-semitic, That's like arguing that the redskins team isn't offensive because some Indians don't have a problem with it.
Basically you are arguing that any Israeli who doesn't vote for the Likud Party is an anti-Semite!
You attempt a diversion:
Oh yeah quick question, what do you think about Obama praising the 'legacy' of that genocidial mad man Kemal Mustafa Attaturk
Oh yeah I am shocked that Obama would fail to use his trip to Turkey to denounce the guy who founded the nation. That's completely different from Bush sucking up to Turkmenistan, isn't it?
Oh by the way, have you proved that anti-Semitism "gallops" on the Left yet? Why no you haven't! What a fucking surprise, Stephen! Well done!
Also I can't really feel any anger at racism directed at Obama, mainly because dear lil' Barry is a vile homophobic bigot
Oh by the way, did you know that although Israel is very gay-friendly now, homosexuality was illegal in Israel until 1988? So, up until 1988, you wouldn't have had any problem with Hitler! You wouldn't have been able to "feel any anger", at least. :-)
"I use capslock because you apparently have a problem with reading what I have written. Given your general stupidity, I thought maybe you had a problem with lower-case. If not, prove it by responding with something other than links to lying morons."
It was a joke, I'm starting to think that you don't quite understand the concept.
"You wanted to show that Anti-Semitism "GALLOPS" on the Left. When challenged, you produce an example: a bunch of Islamists who support Hamas. Gosh I'm impressed by your standards of reasoning!"
That wasn't my only example, go back and reread what I posted.
"Basically you are arguing that any Israeli who doesn't vote for the Likud Party is an anti-Semite!"
Wrong again, I'm arguing that people like Norm Finklestein who supports terrorism or Chomsky's idiocy, read this for some more info:
As I've posted so many times, sane criticism of Israel is not anti-semitic, comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, using terms like 'zionazi', nonsense about an all mighty 'Israel lobby', claiming that Israel got us into Iraq and so on is anti-semitic. I've explained this to you so many times.
"Oh yeah I am shocked that Obama would fail to use his trip to Turkey to denounce the guy who founded the nation. That's completely different from Bush sucking up to Turkmenistan, isn't it?"
So in other words you have no problem with Obama praising a 'man' who slaughtered countless innocents and inspired Hitler? You are however right about one thing, it is just as revolting as Bush's actions.
"Oh by the way, have you proved that anti-Semitism "gallops" on the Left yet? Why no you haven't! What a fucking surprise, Stephen! Well done!"
I have, for one thing the sheer amount of comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany at rallies alone prove that, go back and actually read what I posted.
"Oh by the way, did you know that although Israel is very gay-friendly now, homosexuality was illegal in Israel until 1988?"
I've fully aware of that, I'm not uncritical of Isrel (for the last time I don't think that sane criticism of Israel is anti-semitism, nonsense like comparing it to the nazis is however). Also seeing as you haven't condemned Obama's bigotry, do you agree with his anti-gay bigotry?
" So, up until 1988, you wouldn't have had any problem with Hitler! You wouldn't have been able to "feel any anger", at least. :-)"
What on earth are you babbling about you silly little boy? Oh yeah and smiley faces? You really aren't as smart as you think are.
Not to mention Obama could have had the taste to avoid praising Attaturk, he could have praised the Turkish people or something like that. What he said makes him no better than a neo nazi or a holocaust denier and what he said is highly offensive to millions across the world, but you're too caught up in your idiotic left - right dualistic mentality to realize that.
So in other words you have no problem with Obama praising a 'man' who slaughtered countless innocents and inspired Hitler?
Oh yes! That's a completely fair characterisation of what I said, isn't it?
What Obama should have done was scream "FUCK ATTATURK! FUCK TURKEY! WE WILL NEVER BE FRIENDS WITH YOU ANTISEMITIC BASTARDS!" just as Bush was going to, but did not, for fear of being seen as anti-Semitic -- which gallops on the Left.
I have, for one thing the sheer amount of comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany at rallies alone prove that, go back and actually read what I posted.
Ok. Here's what you posted:
And it's also evident throughout the leftist movement, for example at anti-Israel rally a woman yelled
An Islamist woman in a hijab yelled something at a pro-Hamas rally. Good one, Stephen! And it's what you posted!
So that means that Leftists are anti-Semites?
Which means... Noam Chomsky and Jon Stewart are just like Nazi Germany!!!
Oh my God! You bigot!
Anti-Semitism runs, correction, gallops on the Right. Just look at Stephen, and a bunch of links to Front Page Magazine!
Posted anti-Semitic stuff at DailyKos yet? Go ahead! Don't be chicken! We wouldn't want to think you were some kind of dishonest, chickenshit little fool who smears half the country as anti-Semitic, would we? We wouldn't want to be bigoted like nasty ole Rob, would we?
but you're too caught up in your idiotic left - right dualistic mentality to realize that.
I thought you said that anti-Semitism runs, no, gallops on the Left.
Didn't you.
Braindead, hypocritical physician, heal thyself.
"Oh yes! That's a completely fair characterisation of what I said, isn't it?
What Obama should have done was scream "FUCK ATTATURK! FUCK TURKEY! WE WILL NEVER BE FRIENDS WITH YOU ANTISEMITIC BASTARDS!" just as Bush was going to, but did not, for fear of being seen as anti-Semitic -- which gallops on the Left."
You're missing my point he could have praised Turkey without praising Attaturk, what do you think that praise is going to do for America's relationship with Armenia or Greece?
"An Islamist woman in a hijab yelled something at a pro-Hamas rally. Good one, Stephen! And it's what you posted!"
Read the ADL link about how prominent comparisons of Israel to Nazi germany are, that alone shows that the left has a great deal of anti-semitism.
"So that means that Leftists are anti-Semites?"
A great deal of them are, yes.
"Which means... Noam Chomsky and Jon Stewart are just like Nazi Germany!!!"
I never said that genius, you really need to give up this delusion that you're witty.
"Anti-Semitism runs, correction, gallops on the Right. Just look at Stephen, and a bunch of links to Front Page Magazine!"
If the material I posted is so flawed let's see you disprove it.
"Posted anti-Semitic stuff at DailyKos yet? Go ahead! Don't be chicken!"
"We wouldn't want to think you were some kind of dishonest, chickenshit little fool who smears half the country as anti-Semitic, would we?"
I'm not talking just about America, I'm talking about leftism around the world (ie Chavez's anti-Jew bigotry, your reading comprehension is pitiful just like your arguments.
"I thought you said that anti-Semitism runs, no, gallops on the Left."
Which it does as shown by the sheer amount of comparisons of Israel to nazi germany or slurs like 'zionazis'.
"Braindead, hypocritical physician, heal thyself."
Hmmmm braindead, what a perfect word to describe somebody who didn't see anything anti-semitic about calling Jews nazis.
Hmmmm braindead, what a perfect word to describe somebody who didn't see anything anti-semitic about calling Jews nazis.
Wow. That's... perfect, or something.
Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. Let me ask this. IF Leftists are anti-Semitic...
WHY do they use Nazi as a slur?
Is that question too hard? Yes? No? Is it something that only those who see beyond the Left-Right blinkers can answer?
Never mind. I found some anti-Semites for you. Because it gallops on the Left.
"To force a person to move his house is not putting him in a concentration camp, nor in a gas chamber, nor in the crematorium at Auschwitz," Lapid said.
What an anti-Semite! Just like Michael Moore!
"Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. Let me ask this. IF Leftists are anti-Semitic...
WHY do they use Nazi as a slur?
Is that question too hard? Yes? No? Is it something that only those who see beyond the Left-Right blinkers can answer?"
Easy because it's offensive.
"What an anti-Semite! Just like Michael Moore!"
Meanwhile there's still the matter of the sheer amount of 'Israelis are nazis' crap and other nonsense, that lil' article of yours doesn't change that.
Oh yeah and you still haven't answered my question, what do you think Obama's praise for Attaturk is goign to do for our relations with Greece or Armenia? You see it isn't just revolting or offensive to praise a genocidial mad man it's also a very stupid move diplomatically speaking.
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