By Dana Arviso
While the attention and enthusiasm has inspired Gong to keep designing new shoes, it has also been a bit overwhelming. Requests to order the shoes have numbered in the hundreds in the past few months alone. “When I start taking orders, I usually reach capacity for the month in just a couple hours. I wish I could make a shoe for everyone who connects with them, but it’s just not possible.” At present, Louie has visions of collaborating with larger shoe manufacturers such as Vans to produce one of his designs so his customers might one day be able to purchase them off the shelf and at a lower cost.
Gong should find a way to mass-produce his most popular designs. I'm sure a lot of people would buy them if they weren't so expensive.
For more on the subject, see Eighth Generation's Custom Shoes.
Below: "These Killer Whale Vans were designed by Louie Gong, who owns Eighth Generation." (Photo courtesy Louie Gong/Eighth Generation)

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