Yeehaw! Gwen Stefani dresses as a Native American, cavorts with a wolf, and ends up handcuffed in No Doubt's new Wild West themed music video
By Eleanor Gower
And never more so than in No Doubt's latest video for their song Looking Hot, where she dresses as a Native American Squaw.
The 43-year-old star wears her blonde hair in a long straight style, complete with a headband and single feather and is first seen handcuffed outside the sheriff's office in the Wild West.
The star has a white Indian headdress around her hair and sports fringed white trousers, while two No Doubt band members point a gun at her.

The video is no longer online--more on that later--but this article gives you the video's story in words and pictures.
Unlike the previous offenders, this wasn't just a single image or costume. It was a whole narrative based on Plains stereotypes and violence against Native women. People reacted quickly to the affront.
Gwen Stefani and No Doubt Release Latest Music Video, Its Stereotypical Native Theme Garners Criticism
By Vincent Schilling
Soon after the video was released, a backlash on Twitter erupted and dislikes jumped from 60 to over 700 in a few hours. Several YouTube viewers made comments in frustration and support of the video.
One comment on YouTube stated: “This video is very insensitive and very discourteous. Stefani, you have disrespected and slighted the entire Native American people with your counterfeit portrayal of our heritage. The way you pranced and frolic around, dressed in so called Native American attire, is a mockery of our way of life and culture. You have also debased all Native American women. The word squaw is very insulting and demeaning to me and all Native American women.”

Some addition comments on a Facebook post:
This article is about Halloween costumes but also applies to "artistic" appropriation of Native stereotypes. If my comment surprises you PLEASE read this:
WTH! C'mon! Get a clue Stefani! Cultural misappropriation!!!
Not to mention that Native American regalia looks nothing like that. It looks like she's wearing a bikini top with a skirt. No Native woman would dress like that. They respect their culture and wear it with pride.
No Doubt pulls racist 'Looking Hot' video and apologizes for cultural appropriation
By Carina Adly MacKenzie
As a multi-racial band our foundation is built upon both diversity and consideration for other cultures. Our intention with our new video was never to offend, hurt or trivialize Native American people, their culture or their history. Although we consulted with Native American friends and Native American studies experts at the University of California, we realize now that we have offended people. This is of great concern to us and we are removing the video immediately. The music that inspired us when we started the band, and the community of friends, family, and fans that surrounds us was built upon respect, unity and inclusiveness. We sincerely apologize to the Native American community and anyone else offended by this video. Being hurtful to anyone is simply not who we are.

That was more or less a straight apology, so that's good. But it left us wondering who these "Native American studies experts" are. I find it hard to believe that Native academics would approve these stereotypes.
More comments from another Facebook post:
Disappointing to see but we should've known. Gwen just started in reverse order (global then local) by exploiting those Harijuku girls on her solo album. after being inspired (biting) their style. And marking it up 500% for her L.A.M.B. line...
Gwen is the biggest culture vulture. I understand being influenced by different cultures, but Gwen is the embodiment of "cultural appropriation." I was also taken aback by that part of the response "we consulted with Native American experts...."
How could they ever think this wouldn't be offensive? This absolute mockery of our culture has got to stop.
For more on the subject, see Research Proves Mascots Are Harmful and 1491s on Redface and Blackface.
1 comment:
From the photos, the video reminds me of that ancient "Custer's Revenge" videogame. Rob, you could add an image of that to the montage here for good effect.
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