Global Gaming Expo--November 13-16, 2006
Indian gaming makes up a big fraction of the gaming industry--maybe a third--so it's relevant to this blog.
I attended with my pal Victor Rocha (Pechanga), the owner and operator of He moderated a panel called "Media Matters" that featured Mark Trahant (Shoshone-Bannock, Seattle Post-Intelligencer editor) and Frances Snyder (Chumash, tribal spokeswoman). Mark's the journalist who asked Bush the infamous sovereignty question.
For Frances's take on tribal-media relations, you can read her articles edited by Rob for (They're articles 3-5 under that heading.) Also worth reading on the subject is Mary Ann Weston's Journalists and Indians: The Clash of Cultures.

OMG, I almost went to that gaming conference. All my cousins were there and I just found out that my sister was there too on unrelated business. I should of gone, oh well maybe next year. I hope you had fun.
Judging by our trip, Las Vegas is nice in November. The temperatures barely reached 80.
Traveling with Victor Rocha is fun because he's one of those well-off gaming Indians. He paid for things but I didn't.
By the way, with the animated Trek coming out on DVD shortly, you're bound to be remembered again.
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