Genocide is dramatized as just as much the result of the mean-spirited and physically cruel behavior of American Indians, who were fighting for their very survival, as it was of the inhumanity of the American armies. The last shreds of Indian nobility are eliminated once and for all.
A feature article on the making of Bury My Heart titled "The Last Stand" in the May 27 Los Angeles Times gives a brief, perplexing account of how Hollywood came to the view that American Indians can now be justly and fairly seen as co-agents of their own destruction. As a two-hour condensation of the book, "The film didn't have time to dwell on the spiritual, Earth-friendly image of Native Americans," says the article's author, Graham Fuller. "Nor does it offer a politically correct perspective," he adds. The Sioux, we're told, were "as rapacious as their white conquerers."
This view is scaldingly laid out with the portrayal of Sitting Bull as a baby killer, as a coward who hid in his tipi at the height of the Battle of Little Bighorn, and as a greedy buffoon who lusts for the white man's money and approval.

Writerfella here --
Oh, poor baby! What did HBO do, leave HENRY Geiogamah behind the door for a change when they undertook their project? All this means is that HENRY has gone the way of 'Sonny' Robideaux by declaiming the very industry from which both as 'technical advisors' have taken mucho 'hush' money in the past to ensure that film scripts were rubber-stamped as authentic and thus left intact. Their trips to that well have made well-worn and signed check-paper trails and now seemingly both are saying that's other people's trash, not ours. Sorry, Mr. Gumbies, that hurting in your foreheads is not from newly-grown consciences but from Karma-cancer...
All Best
Russ Bates
Geiogamah probably criticized Bury My Heart for the same reason I did: because it had flaws the average viewer wouldn't detect. That's what we critics do: educate people to think critically.
Writerfella here --
Wait until you find out more about HENRY Geiogomah, Rob, and then you'll much be loath to mention yourself and him together within eight or more paragraphs of each other! Even his rubber-soled flip-flops have engraved moldings!
All Best
Russ Bates
I'm waiting for you to tell us more about him. With facts and evidence, that is, not rumors and innuendo.
Writerfella here --
Fortunately, writerfella has to do nothing of the kind, lest he then find himself further accused as you just have. Simply Google the man; it was in all the papers.
All Best
Russ Bates
You don't have to tell us more about him, but you said you would. You had articles from an uncle or somebody, or so you said.
A glance at the first 100 results when I Google "Hanay Geiogamah" doesn't show anything that looks controversial. Maybe the controversy is buried somewhere, or maybe you're daydreaming his problems.
So far you've demonstrated that you can't do your own research. Too bad I have to correct your unsubstantiated claims with the facts, such as the lack of obvious evidence in Google.
Let us know when you have some actual evidence against Geiogamah (or Mark Reed). So far you've only engaged in character assassination, which says a lot more about you than it does about him.
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