February 13, 2008

Natives pray with Suzy Chapstick

Suzy "Chapstick" Chaffee invites you to join the "Tsunami of Love" for Mother Earth on Valentine's Day

Some background on Suzy Chaffee:Suzy Chaffee at a recent Keep Sedona Beautiful candidate forum. Ms. Chaffee is a former Olympic skier and World Freestyle Champion, and the founder of the Native Voices Foundation, a non-profit organization that seeks to invite Native Americans back to their majestic ancestral mountains for skiing and honoring celebrations.Her effort to reverse global warming:In December of 2006, Native (Wind) Energy's Bob Gough alerted me, as co-chair of Native Voices Foundation (NVF), that Europe was having its warmest winter in 1,250 years.

American Indian Elders had already saved ski resorts in 10 states from droughts with their snowdances and prayers, inspired by ski areas inviting tribes back to their ancestral mountains to ski, spearheaded by NVF; so on a crazy-hearted whim, I called Woody Vaspra (Hawaiian-Chinese), President of the World Council of Elders, to see if we could help our European friends.
What happened after the prayer: NVF's European leader, French Princess Caroline Murat, excitedly reported that just after last year's Valentine's Day, temperatures dropped in Europe and their ski areas were blessed with critical snow (for crops too). We were amazed, and the Europeans were grateful. Since Indigenous Elders tell us that our Earth Mother responds to gratitude, just like people, NVF then organized a world gratitude prayer, which led to their “booming end of ski season.”

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