But things didn’t exactly turn out the way the trainers had hoped. It seems that they forgot to tell the Tarahumaras that the race was only 42 kilometers long. When they finally appeared in the stadium and crossed the finish line in 32nd and 35th place respectively they kept on running not realizing that the race was over. When the officials finally caught up with them to stop running, they pleaded, “too short, too short,” Alas, rules are rules and the officials could do very little for them.
Investigative Journalist: Sierra Tarahumara--2008
1. Why do the Tarahumara Runners no longer race north of the border?
- The USA races do not offer prize money and no funding for travel or expenses
- They run in sandals and no shoe company will sponsor them
- They do not have birth certificates and cannot get passports to cross the border
- Racing in the USA is too dangerous for them as there is no security provided for these fine athletes and no insurance in case of an accident
2. Most importantly, Tarahumara racing is completely different than modern “ultra running.” Pounding out 100 miles with no ball and no running partner is quite boring for the Tarahumara racers!!Comment: In short, the obstacles are economic, political, and cultural.

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