By Steven Switzer
The Buffalo Religion and Spirituality examiner received a number of emails from this individual making an impassioned plea to publish her letters or at least report on her beliefs and visions.
"The Devil is at work everywhere," she says in one of her emails. "Dear sir, please don't disregard me as a kook or a crackpot. Satan is taking our young people and he is trying to destroy the world. Please publish my message to the world and hopefully people will listen before it is too late."
In her emails she states that poverty is a ploy of Satan to get people to accept public immorality including homosexuality, public nudity, illicit sex, gambling, drugs, and alcohol and other sins.
"It is to soften people up, so that people are not shocked by public sin. The poverty is to get people desperate enough to accept anything to make money." she says. "They are already trying to legalize gambling in Buffalo, and that is just the first step. That is why it is important to stop the Indian casino. The Indians are godless heathens under the control of Satan." She further says, "Soon the government will be legalizing prostitution, homosexuality, drugs, public indecency and nakedness, and abortion, just like they have in Canada, which is under the control of Satan and his demons and now they are coming to Buffalo."
Those dirty rotten Redskins getting in bed with the Devil. I am not surprised that people still think like this. I remember when I first moved into the city. The landlady didn't know I was Indian and told me a story of her being afraid of Indians because they would come down the river and steal the women. She was quite old around that time. She must be long dead by now. In any case, people are crazy. And just for the record I used the first sentence to be factitious.
I meant facetious
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