Friday ceremony to unveil Peter Mitten's 'Yeibichai'
By Gary Warth
"A lot of my work has related to land forms and how geography and topography forms are an understanding of the reality around us," said Fallbrook artist Peter Mitten about his piece "Yeibichai."
The four cast-bronze pieces are about 8 feet tall. In Santa Fe, the pieces were spaced several feet apart, but Mitten said he has reconsidered their relationship with one another and how a viewer can interact with them.
I don't know if anyone will get "canyon walls" or "yeibichai" by looking at them. I just think it's neat to see a Navajo-influenced sculpture anywhere, especially outside Navajoland. Anything that gets people to think about Indians in non-stereotypical ways is good.
For more on Navajo public art, see Navajo Mural in Van Gogh Style.
Below: "Artist Peter Mitten, with help from Leven Jester, installs a piece titled "Yeibichai" in preparation for the unveiling ceremony on Friday night in Fallbrook." (John Koster/North County Times)

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