But it didn't matter. White farmers in Georgia did not want to assimilate the Cherokee, they wanted to rob them.
The prospect of Muslims assimilating will not subdue them. To the contrary, the last thing they want is their kid competing with yours. Their hypocrisy is stunning: These are the ghosts who burned black Wall Street, who pilfered the "Five Civilized Tribes," who recoil at gays attempting to build family. And so on. They claim to fear the immigrant clinging to his language. No. What they fear is the immigrant learning theirs. Much like Barack Obama scares them more than any New Black Panther, Cordoba House is more terrifying than any iteration of radical jihad.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The same people who think Obama is a Kenyan and a Muslim are protesting illegal immigration, ethnic studies, gay marriage, healthcare reform, welfare spending, Indian gaming, and tribal sovereignty. They're also defending our constitutional right to say the n-word (Sarah Palin) and to discriminate against blacks (Rand Paul). The common denominator is bigotry against anyone who isn't a white Christian heterosexual--i.e., the so-called "real Americans."
For more on the subject, see:
Angry white Christians want country back
White conservatives "angry about racism"
Paper-checkers = birthers = teabaggers
Klansmen, militias, and teabaggers
Below: The changing face of bigotry.