October 19, 2006

Flags an eye-opener

A chance to live historyBeach said his portrayal of Hayes in the Clint Eastwood-directed epic, which opens Friday, proved to be an eye-opening experience not only for him but for his fellow actors as well.

“One of the actors, Ryan Phillippe, pulled me aside and said, ‘You know, Adam, I’m seeing native people in a different light because I’ve always thought of them as stoic and here you are presenting them as a human being with human emotions. You’re crying, you’re angry and it’s nice to see that.’

“When I thought about that, I was like, ‘Wow, we are now pursuing a different look at native people.’”
From the Washington Times, 10/18/06:

Roller coaster of emotionsIn one of the movie's most powerful and disquieting scenes, the corporal meets the mother of his slain squad leader, Mike Strank. It is a moment that pulls back the ideological curtains to reveal the fallacy inherent in creating heroes. In the end, they're mortal men, born to mothers just like Mrs. Strank. Upon seeing her, Mr. Hayes is overcome by the burden of the sergeant's death, and he grips her so tightly and for so long that one senses he might fall off the face of the earth if he let go.

When asked about his thoughts during the scene, Mr. Beach says, "It's crying. It's remembering. It's letting go. It's healing. It's almost like a child wanting his own mother. There's so much."
Comment:  Indians have human emotions? Wow!

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