On Terrorism and Gun Violence, a 1,000-to-1 Spending Gap
Nine facts and one question about why we spend what we spend to prevent sudden deaths.
By Andrew Cohen
In other words, the 2nd Amendment authorizes owning guns and accepting gun regulations. Not one or the other, both.

Why are we spending a thousand times more to stop foreign terrorists than domestic terrorists? Because the NRA exists to enable the latter group of killers. Otherwise it would support rather than oppose regulations to safeguard Americans.
NRA: A lobby for criminals
The NRA is a twisted, paranoid organization whose main achievement is to have made law enforcement harder
By Alan Berlow
In “Wayne’s World,” the alternate universe tirelessly promoted by the NRA CEO, “gun shows are not a source of crime guns,” and the exhaustively documented gun show loophole is “a myth.” Of course, in Wayne’s World, even the existing Brady background checks for gun purchases are a total waste of time, because criminals are too smart to buy from licensed dealers and to fill out Brady forms. In the real world, where criminals are not as smart as LaPierre would have us believe, more than 2 million felons, domestic abusers and fugitives from justice have been turned away by gun dealers when they flunked Brady background checks since the law took effect in 1994.
In addition to fighting gun laws, the gun lobby has spent the past 20 years fighting research into gun safety
By Alex Seitz-Wald
More on how the NRA has stymied politicians and lawyers:
The N.R.A. Protection Racket
By Richard W. Painter
The message to Republicans is clear: “We will help you get elected and protect your seat from Democrats. We will spend millions on ads that make your opponent look worse than the average holdup man robbing a liquor store. In return, we expect you to oppose any laws that regulate guns. These include laws requiring handgun registration, meaningful background checks on purchasers, limiting the right to carry concealed weapons, limiting access to semiautomatic weapons or anything else that would diminish the firepower available to anybody who wants it. And if you don’t comply, we will load our weapons and direct everything in our arsenal at you in the next Republican primary.”
Why Isn't The Media Discussing The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity?
By Sergio Munoz
In 2005, former President George W. Bush signed into law the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act--the "No. 1 legislative priority of the National Rifle Association"--which immunized gun makers and dealers from civil lawsuits for the crimes committed with the products they sell, a significant barrier to a comprehensive gun violence prevention strategy. Despite its recent reporting on proposed efforts to prevent another tragedy like the one in Newtown, major newspapers and evening television news have not explained this significant legal immunity, according to a Media Matters search of Nexis.
Faced with an increasing number of successful lawsuits over reckless business practices that funneled guns into the hands of criminals, the 2005 immunity law was a victory for the NRA, which "lobbied lawmakers intensely" to shield gun makers and dealers from personal injury law. As described by Erwin Chemerinsky, a leading constitutional scholar and the Dean of the University of California-Irvine School of Law, by eliminating this route for victims to hold the gun industry accountable in court, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was a complete deviation from basic "principles of products liability."
The NRA's membership enables the organization's fanaticism, but many gun owners aren't that fanatical. A majority of Americans, including gun owners, favor sensible reforms:
Gun owners vs. NRA leadership
NRA members feel our gun laws should protect our families, not the financial interests of a clique of elites
By Cliff Schecter
This is made crystal-clear by the fact that the NRA’s own membership, many of whom joined only because of an outdated understanding of what the leadership of this organization actually stands for, agree with most Americans that our gun laws should protect our families, and not the financial interests of a clique of craven elites.
Here are five key issues that divide the LaPierres at the top of the NRA food chain from their 3 million (or 4 million, depending upon the press release that day) members.
1 comment:
In a way, the NRA's "guns prevent crime" message reminds me of an ancient Chinese medical text I've been reading, which prescribed, for rabies, killing the animal that bit the patient and rubbing the animal's brain in the bite. The "cure" only exacerbates the disease.
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