Consider the recent Comanche Moon. The main Indian character was named Buffalo Hump after a Comanche who really existed. Some aspects of Buffalo Hump's life were incorporated into the series as well.
But "Buffalo Hump" is a rather prosaic and unimaginative name. If the only goal of the series was to entertain, why not give the main Indian a more entertaining name? Why not give him a name that would have kids shrieking and adults chuckling every time they heard it?
Some possible names:
Some of these names are real knee-slappers. They're certainly more entertaining than boring ol' "Buffalo Hump." So why not use one of these names to maximize the show's entertainment value? What's the justification for using a historically accurate name if the series' only goal is to entertain?
If anyone can offer a satisfactory answer to this question, I'll give him or her a cookie. So take your best shot. Explain to me why McMurtry used the bland "Buffalo Hump" in a piece of pure entertainment.

Writerfella here --
The persons to ask are Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana, though neither likely will respond because of the hyperbole in the article. And writerfella neither is a bass nor a trout to rise to such obviously overwritten 'bait.' Next time, try a Mepps Shiner Minnow No. 3...
All Best
Russ Bates
Yes, I think that is true. Writerfella will never even think of rising to the bait and responding to the "King Lollipop in Comanche Moon" post. Never in a million years.
Why? Because racism expressed against native americans is still acceptable. Foxwoods casino had a fire yesterday that required assistance from other fire companies. I was saddened at the news story commenters who hoped it would burn to the ground. Racism is alive and well.
God is good
A lot of people just hate casinos, period... so the Foxwood thing is probably not 100% racism. Unlike many things which are 100% racism.
True, but those commenters were also critical of a sovereign nation getting help from neighboring fire companies. My point is there was no shame in the vitriol.
God is good
Writerfella here --
You really and truly mean that you do not see nor sense the vitriol that is present on this blogsite? Rob continually has stated that writerfella's comments are 'sniping at (writerfella's) intellectual superiors!' Okay, that means you believe that Rob is writerfella's 'intellectual superior,' even though writerfella's IQ is only two points behind Albert Einstein's! Great, guys. Watch out, though. Rob quite soon will ask you for $20 checks that he believes are his dues from the Native people that he does support! Get your pens out!
All Best
Russ Bates
My vitriol toward whom? Racists? Stereotypers? Russell Means? Mel Gibson? The Makah whalers? Indian wannabes? The SCALPED writer?
Since you don't understand the role of criticism, you probably don't understand why I criticize people. So name someone and I'll explain why I've criticized him. My reasons are completely rational and have nothing to do with animus. Mr. Spock should be as logical as I am.
My alleged vitriol is nothing compared to your actual vitriol toward John Herrington, the former "Five Civilized Tribes," the Pequots, the Lumbees, the Chickahominies, et al. Another good example is your incessant vitriol toward me. Proving the point, you've repeated your nonsense about my receiving or wanting $20 checks.
I don't know what stupidity possessed you to fabricate this bald-faced lie, since I generally don't talk about my income and it doesn't come from a tribe. I can't tell if you're drunk, mentally ill, or addled with age. Maybe you're just a congenital liar.
Oh, well. Whatever your asinine reason, let's add this posting to the Google hits under
Russell Bates liar
Apparently you want to be known as a big, fat liar for the rest of eternity. Good, because that's what's shaping up here. Hope you enjoy it.
Again, if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Feel free to get lost if you don't like my pointing out your lack of evidence, correcting your frequent mistakes, etc. I'm all about ascertaining the truth, so I'm your worst nightmare.
No surprise that you can't and won't answer a simple question. We can all have a good laugh the next time you claim a movie is just a movie. With your supposedly high IQ, you can't come close to explaining why filmmakers strive for historical accuracy in works of "pure entertainment." I can, which is why I'm your intellectual superior in matters of writing and art.
P.S. Here's a fact you obviously weren't aware of: We don't know Einstein's IQ. Oops!
As far as we known today, Albert Einstein has never done any IQ test. Thus his IQ is unknown!
Writerfella here --
Those posters only have to wait for Rob to make his demands, and those will come sooner than you know. For you see, by coming here and reading the posts and responding in your own ways, you have surrendered your objectivity. Beware, simply because you now will be assaulted by posts of 1,000 words or more, and several at one and the same time. One only has to look elsewhere on this blogsite to see what of which writerfella speaks...
All Best
Russ Bates
Cutting through your usual vague verbiage, it sounds as if you're saying DMarks and the other visitors have lost their objectivity. If so, wow. Nice thing to say about your fellow posters.
But you're not vitriolic, right? You don't carp, bitch, and snipe while others offer constructive comments? Hm-mm, sure you don't.
Do you see me arguing with anyone else in this blog? No, almost all my arguments are with you. That's because everyone else treats people with politeness and respect. Only you try to tear people down in a vain attempt to bolster your fragile ego.
We're still waiting for your response to the "King Lollipop" question, Einstein. If you decline to answer, we know what to conclude: With your supposedly high IQ, you can't come close to explaining why filmmakers strive for historical accuracy in works of "pure entertainment." I can, which is why I'm your intellectual superior in matters of writing and art.
Writerfella here --
Mayhaps it be that Rob believes he is anyone's 'intellectual superior,' but in fact and reality Rob is claiming that he is anyone's 'intellectual LAKE Superior...'
All Best
Russ Bates
Why don't you learn to read, genius? I didn't say I was "anyone's intellectual superior." What I said was, "I'm your intellectual superior in matters of writing and art."
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