Zamora said she handed stacks of money orders to Malcolm Webber attached to applications for membership in the unrecognized tribe.
Prosecutors contend the Kaweahs aren't a real American Indian tribe, as Webber stands trial in Wichita on charges including harboring illegal aliens and fraud.
"They were American Indians, better than the white Americans," Zamora said she heard Webber say.
For people who had problems with immigration, some of whom had risk their lives to cross the border, Zamora said Webber's claims were like salvation.
"He told them that this is a great opportunity God has given us, so no one will suffer anymore," Zamora said of Webber. "They are going to have health benefits, government loans, Social Security. They are going to have everything, but they will have to be patient. And he told them to pray."
He also told them to pay $80 for a citizenship certificate in the Kaweah tribe and an identification card. As the money poured in, the price went up--sometimes hundreds of dollars.
How moronic can you get? Webber is one biggest frauds and con men I've ever seen in Indian country. He deserves to go to jail for a long time.
If I were on a jury, I'd convict this loser in 10 minutes flat. I'll be curious to see how fast the actual jury comes back with a verdict. If it's fast as I expect, it'll mean that everyone saw through Webber's blatant lies.
For more on the subject, see The Facts About Tribal Sovereignty.

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