"I think she's probably happier here," said tribal member Jason LaVigne, who oversees the place. Tens of thousands of people visit Mohegan Sun daily. Yet just 140, excluding school trips, passed through here from May through July. Some, particularly the Europeans, come seeking an "authentic" Indian site, LaVigne said. But most are local people who came here as children, often with Scout troops, and now want to relive the experience with their own kids.
Garrett Kirwan, also descended from Uncas, said if you want to talk to an Indian, the last place to look is Foxwoods, owned by the Mashantucket Pequots, or the Sun. He is happy to talk, and to debunk stereotypes such as that all "casino Indians" are rich. That's true only of the leaders, he said.

Writerfella here --
In 1979, writerfella found several Connecticut Natives at Harvard. What astounded writerfella is that they all talked and sounded like Ted Kennedy!
All Best
Russ Bates
I wonder if they, liked Ted Kennedy, refer to Barack Obama as "Osama Bin Laden"
Writerfella here --
Being nearly thirty years ago, no one had heard of Barrack O'Bama OR Osama Bin Laden at such a time. Ted Kennedy was around and he barely was hearing of himself...
All Best
Russ Bates
I don't know which is lamer, Russ: your inability to spell Obama's name or your water-carrying for McCain. You really love the Great White Father, don't you?
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