November 09, 2008

Colombian filmmaker in Columbia

Arts:  Film festival helps director get in touch with his heritagePeople going to Columbia’s Native American Film Festival usually expect movies about the people who once filled this land—“this land” meaning the United States and maybe Canada.

Miguel Felipe Berg and his movie “Before Your Eyes” are something different.

Unlike the people involved with most of the festival’s offerings, Berg isn’t Cherokee, Navajo, Hopi or a member of another familiar tribe. His background is Chibchan-Paezan, a group from the Andean region of Colombia, South America.

“They lived next to the Inca back in the day,” Berg said.

And his movie isn’t about Native Americans; it’s a drama with a blind narrator, feuding brothers and a waitress in danger.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Native Documentaries and News.

1 comment:

Miguel Berg said...

Thanks for the post Rob! You can check out the film which also features fellow Native American Will Moreau online at