Lacrosse Movie To Be Released In 2011 As It Lines Up Financing And Endorsements That Include Reebok, US Lacrosse And Major League Lacrosse
“Crooked Arrows,” a sports film set in the world of lacrosse that goes into production this spring, will try to help change that. The independent movie, produced by J. Todd Harris (“Jeepers Creepers”), Mitchell Peck (the upcoming “Priest”) and Adam Leff (“Valentino: The Last Emperor”), will be exclusively sponsored by Reebok, which will use the film to promote its 9K product line of lacrosse equipment and apparel, along with its 10K lacrosse sticks. The marketer’s early involvement has helped the film’s producers secure a bulk of their financing, and also guarantees distribution for a nationwide release of at least 250 theaters in 2011.
“We want this movie to appeal to more than just athletes, but at the same time with the lacrosse players we want to make sure the action is authentic and a cultural story to go with it,” Mr. Vroom said.
I'm not sure about the title "Crooked Arrows." What do arrows have to do with lacrosse?
Is "crooked arrow" a nickname for a troubled Native youth? As opposed to an untroubled "straight arrow"? Will these crooked arrows gain pride and self-confidence by playing lacrosse, bonding with teammates, and winning the big game? Is the pope a pedophile enabler?
For more on the subject, see Iroquois Team Takes Bronze and The Best Indian Movies.
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