Topless entry-level sluts ‘crash’ Neon Indian concert to jiggle around their titties on stage
Nudie Neon Indians and the Sexualization of Native Women
Native women have been highly sexualized throughout history and in pop culture. There are any number of examples I can pull from, the "Indian Princess" stereotype is everywhere--think the story of Pocahontas, or Tiger Lily in Peter Pan, or Cher in her "half breed" video, or the Land 'o' Lakes girl, seriously almost any image of a Native woman that you've seen in popular culture. We're either sexy squaws (the most offensive term out there), wise grandmas, or overweight ogres. But the pervasive "sexy squaw" is the most dangerous, especially when you know the basic facts about sexual violence against Native women:
But I'm confident that stereotyping contributes to rape and violence against Native women. Anything that portrays women as sex objects, as less than full-fledged humans, contributes to these problems.
Anyway, good writeup, Adrienne. For more on the subject, see Indian Women as Sex Objects.

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