I am writing to let you know many are more than shocked & ashamed of the name of your magazine, "Redskins."
Do you not know the history of that word? A time when whites were cutting off genitals & breasts to make pouches, some actually skinned their entire bodies & wore their skin as leggings & such.
I hope you realize how much harm you have brought to our people, especially to our youth & those yet to come. Their further sufferings will be attributed to your kind.
You obviously are not in this to bring about peace for our people, & at the same time, all of you involved are totally disgusting in the eyes of your very ancestors who suffered greatly so you could turn around & spit in their faces.
You are the laughing stock amongst the white communities that despise us to this day.
What about your own people who are part of Six Nations? Why not take your so called efforts to them, or is it because they would not have you because this magazine was born of you?
What goes around comes around. I suggest you do damage control, & change the name of this so called magazine.
Teresa Kurtzhall Anahuy

I agree whole heartedly with Ms. Anahuy. This is not something to be proud of. Indian people have enough problems without giving our detractors another excuse to point their finger. This is a real set back.
Oh yes, I almost forgot, Adam Beach is hosting the Redskin launch party at the Seminole Hard Rock. Shame on him!
Writerfella here --
An open letter such as Ms. Anahuy's always purports to speak for EVERYONE, ancestors and other tribes to boot. But always it is the case that the rhetoric begs the question rather than answering one. And, like any other type of propaganda, it makes bounding leaps in assumptions, is chock full of glittering generalities and syllogisms, and is accusatory without specification or proof. writerfella asks what Ms. Anahuy feeds those kangaroos to get them to stay in her court?
All Best
Russ Bates
I don't think Ms. Anahuy claimed to speak for everyone. The most she referred to was "many" people.
Writerfella here --
No, she said, "...let you know MANY (emphasis writerfella's) are more than shocked & ashamed..." Besides misusing the ampersand (which is not a grammatical device), there is no mention of the word 'people' in her sentence. Thus MANY translates out as "any and all", as she later says, "You obviously are not in this to bring about peace FOR OUR PEOPLE..."
"You are the laughing stock amongst the white communities that despise US to this day." Now there is an accusatory and inflammatory remark that bears no proof of its claim and even uses the archaic term 'amongst' to sound both Biblical and final. People who write in anger usually let it rule rather than the actual rules. Or was she just typing?
All Best
Russ Bates
"Many" refers to people, as the context makes clear. If you disagree, tell us what you think it refers to. "Many" what, exactly?
"Many" translates to "many," not to "any and all." Any other translation is opinion, not fact.
When Anahuy refers to "our people," it's a generalization, obviously. But she doesn't say "all our people," although she could have. The best assumption is that she's referring to the "many" people she referred to earlier.
I don't care about people's quirky spelling, punctuation, or capitalization choices. Unless, of course, they act holier-than-thou toward others. Then I point out their mistakes to them.
Writerfella here -
Wrong again. Once before, writerfella has had to ask you 'How MANY makes a MANY in your world, Rob?' And there was no answer. Thus, you have negated most or all of what you have said or quoted on this blog. Your words, not mine, no brag, just fact...
All Best
Russ Bates
I'm wrong because I asked you what "many" referred to and you couldn't or wouldn't answer? Once again, you prove your intellectual cowardice when it comes to debates. Apparently, you like being embarrassed as much as I like embarrassing you.
Since you don't seem to know the definition of "many," I'll help you out. Here it is:
man·y /ˈmɛni/
1. constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people.
In other words, many is less than "everyone" (your made-up assertion of Anahuy's position) and more than no one. In numerical terms, it's probably closer to 50% than it is to 0% or 100%. Is that simple enough for you to understand?
Meanwhile, how much is "EVERYONE," bright boy? Is it the same as, or more than, "many"? Which of us quoted Anahuy accurately (me) and which of us put words in her mouth (you)?
I'm pretty sure you've never asked "How MANY makes a MANY in your world, Rob?" If you disagree, prove it with a quotation or citation. Until then, this is another of your fabrications, like your fabrication of Anahuy's position.
In short, you lose again. Better luck next time, chum(p).
Writerfella here --
First of all, writerfella never said "everyone." Find that word in his posts on this topic, Rob, and writerfella will give you a cookie!
Second of all, writerfella did violate one of his own rules: "NEVER have a war of words with an unarmed person." But then that rule has been known to have some wiggle room.
Third of all, writerfella's query, "How MANY makes a MANY in your world, Rob?" QUICKLY was shuffled off into Archive Heaven and basically is inobtainable, as are MANY, MANY of his past scintillae of iconoclastic repartee. And please note, everyone, that Rob's dualogues (NOT dialogues!) ALWAYS are longer than writerfella's total postings on a given topic. WHO is paying Rob by the word?
All Best
Russ Bates
Once again, you can't or won't answer a simple question. Once again, you prove your intellectual cowardice when it comes to debates. Apparently, you like being embarrassed as much as I like embarrassing you.
Wow, you're really losing it here. Since you're apparently too addled to remember or read your own words, here's your quote for you:
"An open letter such as Ms. Anahuy's always purports to speak for EVERYONE, ancestors and other tribes to boot."
I believe you have my address. Please send me my cookie immediately.
For the umpteenth time, every posting on this blog remains available in the archives. The comments remain available too. If you can't figure out how to browse and search the archives, that's your problem, not mine.
Your long postings on your history, your accomplishments, your lawsuits, etc. usually surpass anything I write. If my responses sometimes go on, it's because you post so many mistakes and outright lies--such as your asinine claim that I'm paid by gaming tribes. I guess I should start deleting your stupidities rather than taking time to demolish them.
I searched for the query "How MANY makes a MANY in your world, Rob?" in my website, including this blog. As far as I can tell, it exists only in this thread.
So when you say you've asked that question before, you're either mistaken or lying. I can't tell which.
I have enjoyed the interesting exchange between Rob and Writerfella! Even more interesting than the original comment which I found to be less than accurate. I would simply add an axiom my dad would say to me, "You can't argue logic with the illogical." This would keep you both out of forays for a lifetime and free up much enjoyed time for hiking, drinking, and reading good books. Of course, this comment is subject to your analyses, but that in itself could keep you two off of each other's backs. ( :
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