The first question asks "Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?" Acceptable answers include "Native Americans" or "American Indians."
The second question requires test-takers to "Name one American Indian tribe in the United States." A complete list is maintained by the agency.
The new questions are part of the first redesign of the naturalization test since it was created in 1986.
Which of the following statements are true? Choose all that apply.
a) Indians are extinct.
b) Most Indians live in teepees.
c) Indians were primitive people with no culture.
d) Indian tribes are governments similar to states.
Many American schoolchildren would get this question right, but I wonder how adults would fare on it. I'm betting most would flunk it.

Writerfella here --
Of course, the balance of American culture also might propose these questions:
e. Indians only can be found in movie Westerns.
f. You find ANY Indians when you settle here, let us know, and we'll hunt them down .
g. When you learn about casino tribes, make sure Rob gets his share cheques.
And, h. Know that America's First Freedom is for you to gamble at an Indian Casino! After that, your next freedom is to try to phototgraph Brad Pitt naked!
All Best
Russ Bates
You mean be sure I get my "share cheques" because I don't get them now? Or are you still too stupid to understand I don't receive any money from gaming tribes?
Writerfella here --
Not that you may know, but the IRS and the NSA BOTH are tracking you AND their figures more or less are in agreement. Best file your 2007 taxes VERY CAREFULLY, Rob!! Especially the Pequots...
All Best
Russ Bates
Don't be silly. Since I'm paid by a private individual (not a gaming tribe), no one knows how much money passes between us. Not until we both file our income tax returns, that is.
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