Lakotah has reclaimed sovereignty as a nation and over its traditional lands. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties substantiate this freedom.
While we have the right to impose liens on all of the real estate in our country, we are only declaring liens on real estate held by governments foreign to the Republic of Lakotah, but not on real estate held by private parties. However, if you buy, lease, or make any other real estate transaction with any government foreign to the Republic of Lakotah after this date, the real estate may be subject to a lien by the Republic of Lakotah or the Bank of the Republic of Lakotah. This would especially apply to the purchase of tax deeds or extraction rights.
If you are interested in obtaining any such property free and clear of any lien by the Republic of Lakotah or the Bank of the Republic of Lakotah, please let us know.
We look forward to making win-win solutions with all people in our country.
Russell Means
Chief Facilitator
Provisional Government

Now I see the map. I mentioned before that I find it interesting that the territory does not overlap traditional Lakota lands.
Hard to tell exactly, but I think the map does include the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation reservation in North Dakota. I wonder how they would feel about the sovereignty of their nation usurped by this "Lakotah" effort?
I think they're claiming the land ceded to them by treaty, not the land revered since time immemorial. Or at least since they moved from Minnesota into the Dakotas.
Writerfella here --
As those historically were Kiowan lands, writerfella sees that the Lakota simply are continuing their tradition of lies...
All Best
Russ Bates
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