The lecture series will include talks by: noted Plains Indian anthropologist, linguist and editor of “Black Elk Speaks,” Raymond J. DeMallie; historian of the American West and author of “Buffalo Bill’s America,” Louis S. Warren; Native American studies professor and author of the forthcoming “’Killed Beyond Recognition:’ The Writings of James Welch,” Kathryn W. Shanley (Assiniboine-Sioux); and a conversation about the novel with Lois Welch, professor emerita of English, research collaborator and life partner of the late author.
The week will conclude with an original musical performance of “The Heartsong of Charging Elk” for four voices and a 10-piece chamber ensemble by internationally acclaimed Seattle composer and musician Wayne Horvitz, composer/songwriter Robin Holcomb and Pulitzer finalist, writer/director Rinde Eckert.

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