I just finished inventorying last year's comics and adding them to my collection. If anyone cares, I now have 9,045 originals and 2,346 duplicates for a total of 11,391 comics. That doesn't include another 300 or so that I have to read again before I make them part of the official collection.

When it comes to comics, it's always the mother's fault. ;-)
As I'll be reporting soon, I just purchased several hundred dollars' worth of Native-themed comics for the Montclair Art Museum (the originators of the Warhol/Lichtenstein exhibit). I'll make this deal available to other museums and libraries and even individuals. For $400-500 I'll supply you with 100-plus comics and graphic novels featuring Indians--everything from TOMAHAWK and RED WOLF to SCALPED and RED PROPHET.
The original TUROKs are too expensive to include in this offer. But the offer includes at least one of the revamped TUROK comics from the 1990s. I can get as many of the '90s TUROKs as the buyer wants, but I don't consider them historically significant.
Rob, my mother threw away all my comics at one point. My grandmother also threw away my dad's comics at one point.
I think all I lost were a bunch of Casper and Archie comics. What did my dad lose? He thinks he lost the very earliest Detective and Batman comics.
If it's not the mother, it's the grandmother. ;-)
My dad claimed he had one of the first SUPERMAN comics...but his mother threw it out. Of course, he also claimed that in high school, he ran the 100-yard dash in 10 seconds flat.
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