December 25, 2008

What my nephews and nieces got

My four nephews and nieces are typical American kids. The boys like video games and action figures. The girls like horses and dolls. Their exposure to Indians is probably limited to Thanksgiving lessons in school and the Pocahontas and National Treasure 2 DVDs.

I always try to give them presents that will educate as well as entertain them. Books are my first choice, but the boys don't seem to be readers. Fortunately, the girls are; little Lucy is already through the Harry Potter and Narnia books.

Anyway, here are some of the presents I got them this year:

Andrew (age 9):  Life After People DVD.

Lucy (age 8):  The Arrow over the Door by Joseph Bruchac.

Thomas (age 7):  Arctic Tale DVD.

Alice (age 6):  Jewelry box with Navajo sandpainting on lid; Alicia of Acoma Pueblo. (Alice...Alicia...get it?)

I also got Lucy the chess set she asked for. Now I can teach her how to play. I'm betting she'll be the biggest scholar among the bunch. In ten years, she'll be like, "Horses and dolls...what was I thinking?"

Meanwhile, I got the third SCALPED trade paperback for myself. We'll see if the series has gone from stereotypical to a "masterpiece" and "comic of the year" (according to one critic).

P.S. This year's Christmas postings:

Kwakwaka'wakw holiday lessons
An Indian Christmas Carol
The Navajo Santa

1 comment:

Rob said...

An e-mail from a correspondent:

Dear Rob,

I really like how you are trying to educate your nieces and nephews.

Happy Holidays and New Year.
