October 04, 2006
Geek excuses genocide against Indians
Columbus Day: a celebration of diversityThe TCDA claims that the native population was a group of peace loving peoples. The native of the Americas were fighting amongst themselves long before any Europeans arrived. They made war on each other and enslaved humans of other nations (which we have called tribes). Dr. Yeagley calls the interaction between Europeans and Native Americans a "car wreck". Europeans did trade with the friendly natives when they first arrive. They also defended themselves against attacks from the unfriendly ones. As new generations of in the New World grew in size they moved west where they encountered more natives. They were not always met with friendly commerce and trade, so there were wars. Those with modern weapons and training defeated those without. Such is the history of war. It cannot be denied and it is not denied.

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Yes, the "warring Indians" defense is specious. For starters, Indians were much less violent and warlike than Europeans. Only the latter had a Hundred Years' War, a Thirty Years' War, and a century-plus of Crusades.
More important, as you noted, this defense is irrelevant to the claims against Columbus. "Everyone does it" isn't a valid excuse when your religion and its priests tell you not to do it. Two wrongs don't make a right now and they didn't then.
The paragraph in question has several more problems, such as the implication that the Indians were the first to be unfriendly. I'll go into these problems when I add this posting to the Stereotype of the Month contest.
The bigger issue, actually, is why we still feel the need in our country to not only defend the actions of this man, but to celebrate them.
Columbus was the first in a long line of conquerers whose legacy is well-documented. What he may have done specifically we could argue, but some things are abundantly clear: this is not a man to honor. Five-hundred years of genocide and the attempted destruction of the native culture is more than enough to convince any thinking person of that. Or you would hope...
Right, Carole. We don't even acknowledge Washington and Lincoln with separate days anymore. The only individuals we celebrate with official holidays are Martin Luther King Jr. and Columbus.
Funny you should bring that up, N.O.S....
It so happens that I just wrote about Italian heritage and Columbus. As an Italian, I don't get it at all. Very misplaced thinking.
Yes, it's funny that Italians get so wrought up over Columbus's voyages even though they were largely a Spanish achievement.
I linked to Carole's latest rant over in NativeVue.org.
See INDIAN SUMMER or Bummer? for the origin of the illustration.
"Mario Lopez" is undoubtedly a common name. There are eight of them listed on IMDB.com, for instance. So I doubt it was the actor.
I am one of the MANY Natives in Denver fighting the racist celebration of a genocidal murderer, and although said Geek is claiming that we didn't come to the press conference/Yeagley freakshow because these white TCD allies were leading us...
a) We have better things to do than fight with a fake indian (Yeagley) and give him fodder to write his inane racist comments about. In fact, at that particular time many of us were involved in huge awareness events and such to the benefit of our community. Let our allies deal with the fake indians' rhetoric against "his kind".
b)TCDA acts on the cue of the American Indian Movement of Colorado and always has. They respect and heed our judgement, and it happens that Glenn S and other mentioned TCD members are excellent both with historical knowledge but also with the undeniable logic to face off with a man who has no logic.
c) That the Sons of Italy (aka Convoy of Conquest planning committee) went out and got themselves an "indian" who speaks to their issue, yet even the local radio media refused to associate with Yeagley when they saw his continuous rants on the poor, liberals, and people of any race other than white.
It shows nothing, as they also paraded fake aztec dancers in 2005 with a caveman as the center piece (??), and in 2006 the parade was lead by the color guard (a representation of the calvary who slew indians in great massacres in the Indian Wars), and adorned trucks with anti-abortion statements and homophobic imagery and comments, alongside businesses and politicians.
d) Columbus wasn't even Italian-get over it!
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