Proof Western Civ is the best of all time? < RicoP > 12/15 11:58:28
Through all our dark ages, Roman brutality, religious wars, crusades, inquisitions, towers of London, Nazi genocide, aborigine slaughters, drug infested sex crazed cultures, it IS "Western Civilization" that produced a team of 30 plus doctors who transformed a very, very unfortunate 8 armed human being monstrosity into a smiling little girl who will walk, and play due to magnificent surgical techniques and medical acumen acquired and developed by Western Civilization!. The evidence is in my distant friends, WEST CIV. ROCKS!
Right evidence, wrong conclusion < robschmidt > 12/16/07 14:49
I think you've summarized Western civilization accurately.
The bad: "Our dark ages, Roman brutality, religious wars, crusades, inquisitions, towers of London, Nazi genocide, aborigine slaughters, drug infested sex crazed cultures," etc.
The good: "A team of 30 plus doctors who transformed a very, very unfortunate 8 armed human being monstrosity into a smiling little girl who will walk, and play due to magnificent surgical techniques and medical acumen."
Most people would say the millions of people Western civilization has killed outweigh the one person it has saved. But if you think the life of one person outweighs the lives of millions, that's your prerogative--no matter how irrational and immoral it seems.
Pictured below: The pinnacle of Western civilization?

Writerfella here --
Oh, wow! THAT means the some 4,000,000 Native survivor descendants of the original 160 million (aboriginal? indigenous?) inhabitants of these American continents exist so out of EuroMan's intention that certain numbers of persons shall survive from each of the millions that he has killed! What compassion! What civility! What a bunch of morons! Oh, the humanity...
All Best
Russ Bates
Newspaper Rock is just a few miles west of my home, and I’ll be driving by it on my way to central Utah tomorrow. Shall I stop, don a hood and burn a cross for you? I doubt I’d have time to carve a swastika or a mushroom cloud, but I could leave a roll toilet paper with your website, “no matter how irrational and immoral” you are. PS: Hey Russ, your numbers are way off, all those people were burned and their ashes scattered.
Writerfella here --
Only in your own obviously selective and racist memories, ricopinata! And what is that black spot on your nose?
All Best
Russ Bates
Writerfella here --
POSTSCRIPTUM: writerfella forgot to ask, how's the weather up there in Idaho? And he also wishes to say to ignore those jackbooted men in black with automatic rifles and the black helicopters in which they landed up in your hills. They're only hunters...
All Best
Merry Xmush and a Harpy near you
Russ Bates
Are you a Mormon by any chance, Rico? Please don't tell me you're as confused about Native American history as Mormons are.
No, you don't need to don a hood and burn a cross for me. But feel free to do so for your usual reasons. I wouldn't want to infringe on your constitutional right to express your ignorant opinions.
Try not to mar Newspaper Rock with graffiti and gunfire when you see it, okay? Because that's another hallmark of Western civilization: destroying everything for fun and profit.
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