Candidate: Keep state's complexion white
Murdough says he isn't racist, either
By Ray Duckler
No room for gray area. And no room for Asians or Hispanics or Jews or African-Americans or American Indians, either.
Just Americans. Real Americans. Plymouth Rock Americans. White Americans who bleed red, white and blue. Uncle Sam wants them. To anyone else, don't let Lady Liberty hit you on the butt on your way out of New York Harbor.
You're not welcome here.
"I would like to preserve what we have before it gets totally out of control," Murdough, a 30-year-old father of two young boys, said last week. "The more it becomes non-white, the more it's going to become a much different place to live, for white people especially."
I say no, so I can't really be a racist, because I don't hate them. I just don't want to live around areas that are heavily, predominantly non-white."
He caused a storm recently with a letter to the Monitor that stated his allegiance to the American Third Position, a political party that represents interests of white Americans. The Republican Party immediately ducked for cover and disowned him as a candidate on their ticket.
Murdough wrote that the state's residents "must seek to preserve their racial identity. . . . Legal non-white immigration, anti-white public school systems and anti-white media have done much damage to the United States of America and especially New Hampshire."
Martin Luther King Jr.? Don't get him started. King was a prostitute-chasing communist who plagiarized his work in college, Murdough says. The heck with the civil rights movement King led. Murdough doesn't believe in that cause anyway.
"He wasn't out for civil rights," Murdough said. "He was out for the black man. If you argue against something that's politically correct, such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Jewish issues, you're persona non grata."
Ah yes, the Jews. They need not apply for residency here, either.
"I've even read some things where Jews are considered white because of their skin," Murdough said. "Technically, they're a different race than white people. They're Semitic; that's not white."
Even though whites weren't America's original settlers, Murdough says American Indians would have to leave, too, just like members of all other non-white races. We came, we saw, we conquered. Too bad.
"What happened with them was unfortunate," Murdough said. "But the way lands are taken over is the way it works. They were here, the Western settlers took over and the rest is history."
So much stupidity here:
Racism = hate?
Murdough is apparently too ignorant to crack open a dictionary, so let's do it for him:
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Millions of people think they aren't racists because they don't "hate" other races. They merely believe, without overt animosity, that their race is superior. Millions of people are ignorant about racism, clearly.
Murdough proves his hatred
So hate isn't a requirement for racism. But I suspect most racists do hate or at least dislike people of other races. I doubt it's possible to think you're superior without scorning your inferiors.
Proving the point, someone posted Murdough's Twitter comments before Murdough deleted them:
Then explain your Twitter account remarks you made which many posters here have viewed on your page.
Ryan Joseph Murdough
Yes, I am a racist and an anti semite. Do you have a problem with that? 6:14 AM Feb 22nd via web
The "Holocaust" for Jews is similar to slavery for Blacks. They have both become tools used to steal white man's pride and money. 1:13 PM Feb 26th via web
When will White people realize that importing third world savages into the United States will turn the U.S. into a third world itself? 7:04 AM Feb 11th via web
African savage seizing white businesses 3:49 PM Feb 11th via web
Conservatism is dead. White people must begin to think white, act white, and be proud to be white. If we do not, we will die. 8:19 PM Feb 22nd via web
How about donating 220,000 blacks from the U.S. to Haiti 8:50 AM Feb 17th via web
The only interesting question is how many other people share his views. A lot, I think.
Again, I probably could post a hundred links on this and related subjects. For a selection of them, see:
Rand Paul's pro-racist libertarian
Send minorities "back where they came from"?
Conservative worldview = fear of cooties
Paper-checkers = birthers = teabaggers
Klansmen, militias, and teabaggers
Below: The face of racism in America.

Not the only time someone's twitter-tweets got them in trouble. There's also the recent case of the CNN editor fired when she praised a genocidal "cleric".
I would note that there are plenty of European Jews. Yet somehow, this man thinks that Judaism is a race instead of a religion.
This man is ridiculously dense to his own issues.
I agree Murdough is an idiot, but "Jewish" doesn't refer solely to the Jewish religion:
Judaism shares some of the characteristics of a nation, an ethnicity, a religion, and a culture, making the definition of who is a Jew vary slightly depending on whether a religious or national approach to identity is used.
I'd like to see someone insist to an atheistic or secullar Jew that Judeaism is a religion, not a race.
Lol. Duckler's article was saturated with misquotes and words I never said. After the election he admitted to me on the phone that he took liberties in the article. I don't do interviews anymore for that reason.
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