IRS agents probe Seminoles and Miccosukees over payments, taxes
By Kenric Ward
Mark Thibault, president of the Miami-based Andrew Jackson Institute, which opposes Indian casinos, said, "Florida Indian gaming has been playing by its own rules for decades. This hurts everyone but the tribes."
Controversial as the Miccosukees' tax-free claim may sound, Thibault said, "That is something every other native tribe in America does."
As for the investigation into Seminole vendor payments, Thibault likens the tribe's practices to "money laundering--both with the use of double bookkeeping and illegal distributions."
"All of this hurts every honest taxpayer in Florida," the Miami attorney said.
But Thibault says more damage is inflicted on the tribes' competitors.
"What has not been reported is the damage being done to the pari-mutuel industry of Florida. These operations are forced to fight an uphill battle with one hand tied behind their back.
These people have named themselves after the most notorious Indian fighter in US history. The president who forced the Seminoles on a death-march to Oklahoma and assaulted anyone who refused to go. If there's a better way to say, "We want the Seminoles dead or gone," I'm not sure what it is.
Here we see a typical "anti-gaming" group in action. Thibault has no problem with Florida's parimutuel industry; indeed, he wants it to expand. He doesn't oppose gaming, he opposes Indian involvement in gaming. Like almost every other anti-gaming group, these people are really anti-Indian.
The courts and I have debated and dismissed the special rights arguments hundreds of times before. Yet these stupid ignoramuses keep making it. Clearly they won't be happy until Congress eliminates tribal sovereignty and terminates the tribes. That's their goal, not curtailing gaming.
Kill the Seminole, save the man?
Like Andrew Jackson, the Andrew Jackson Institute wants to kill Indians figuratively if not literally. It wants to destroy the Indians' governments and cultures so they become exactly like every other American. In the old days people called this attitude "Kill the Indian, save the man." Today we call it racist and genocidal.
So don't let the Institute's talk about gaming issues fool you. These people don't care about fine-tuning gaming laws or regulations. They're bigots who are out to exterminate tribes any way they can.
For more on the subject, see Columnist Shows How Racists View Indians and The Facts About Indian Gaming.
Below: The Andrew Jackson Institute's masthead and mascot.

That's the most explicitly anti-Native racist group I've seen for a while.
Did you see the headdress illustration on the main page?
Hey: Andrew Jackson Inst. If you don't like Native-run casinos, don't go to them. Problem entirely solved.
Yes, I saw it. I wasn't sure who it was, but I believe it's Florida's Gov. Charlie Crist. They Photoshopped him in a stereotypical Plains headdress to show their displeasure with his actions.
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