Prop 8 Wasn't Just Unconstitutional, it was Un-Californian
California has always represented the best of what our country has to offer: opportunity, diversity, tolerance, and above all else, the uniquely American notion that with a little sweat and a little luck, even the most far-fetched dream can become a reality.
I've always said that, here in California, it doesn't matter where your family came from. It doesn't matter who your father was. It doesn't matter if, like me, you never really had a father. And it certainly doesn't matter if you've got two of them!
Because here in California, we value each and every individual for what he or she contributes to our society. Here in California, like the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed over half a century ago, we judge a person "by the content of his character," by the courage of his convictions, integrity, truthfulness, and sincerity.
Here are a few historical events Villaraigosa may have forgotten:
List of riots
1871--Anti-Chinese Riot, Los Angeles, California
1943--Zoot Suit Riots, Los Angeles, California
1965--Watts Riot, Los Angeles, California
1966--Hunter's Point Riot San Francisco, California
1966--Compton's Cafeteria Riot, San Francisco, California
1966--Sunset Strip curfew riots, Los Angeles, California
1971--San Quentin Prison riot, San Quentin, California
1979--White Night gay riots, San Francisco, California
1987--Pioneer Days Riot, Chico, California
1992--Rodney King riot, Los Angeles, California
2009--Oscar Grant riot, Oakland, California
Among the more publicized issues in California are limits on affirmative action and social services for immigrants, strikes and boycotts by migrant workers, crackdowns on the homeless, police shootings, and the OJ Simpson trial. Meanwhile, California's Indians battle with non-Indians over gaming, land use, law enforcement, and a host of other issues. These conflicts happen weekly if not daily.
In short, California is no land of milk and honey in terms of race, creed, or sexual orientation. Like most places, it's a muddled multicultural mess.
For similar whitewashing efforts, see:
Religious freedom for everyone, except Indians
National Day of the American Cowboy
The Story of Us whitewashes history
Textbooks still whitewash Columbus
Obama refuses to use g-word
Settling the West in the Inaugural Address
For more on the subject in general, see Ethnic History Corrects American History and Mainstream History = Pro-White Propaganda.
Below: Police teach Rodney King about tolerance, California-style.

"Among the more publicized issues in California are limits on affirmative action"
Nothing wrong with these limits, which force California to treat people in an equal and fair fashion regardless of race.
Yes, except affirmative action exists to correct past discrimination based on racial prejudice. Without AA, this discrimination would've been worse.
Regardless of its merits, establishing and limiting affirmative action are examples of racial politics. If California were the utopia described by Villaraigosa, AA wouldn't have been necessary.
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