The Butte County Historical Society event is Friday and Saturday at a number of locations around Oroville. This year it has the theme "The Ishi Story: Myth and Meaning."
Activities begin with a panel discussion of researchers, historians and local American Indians 1-4 p.m. Friday at the Oroville Centennial Cultural Center, Arlin Rhine Drive.
They'll be discussing the different perspectives of the Ishi story, and how it continues to evolve.
Then from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Ehmann Home, 1480 Lincoln St., there'll be a reception with author Richard Burrill introducing his latest book, "Ishi's Untold Story in His First World: A Biography of one of the last Yahi Indians of North America."
Friday's events conclude with the showing of "Reel Injun," a movie on how the movie industry has portrayed American Indians for the past 100 years. That's 7-8:30 p.m. at the Ehmann Home.
Saturday a full day of activities called "A Walk in the Natives' Day" is planned, exploring local Native American culture in pre-contact California.

To be honest, the case of Ishi, I mean, Kroeber was a liberal. And so Ishi was treated slightly better than Saartje Baartman. Namely, we didn't see Ishi paraded around naked with his genitalia emphasized, as much as the image of Ishi as a hunter and a warrior was.
That should summarize my view of anthropologists.
For more on the subject, see:
Events in Oroville remember Ishi, last of the Yahi tribe
"People are taken by the story of his life because it's a way of recognizing the complete loss of a way of life by the complete rush of a different culture during the gold rush, she said. "His life is taking on mythical proportions. He was a hero of a human being, standing as a life to emulate."
The celebration is occurring all over Oroville this weekend, and included craft-making at the Historical Society Museum on Saturday. Activities included making flutes out of elderberry branches and necklaces from pine nuts, flintknapping and traditional archery lessons.
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