May 01, 2008

Native women advocates

Along with its list of 100 amazing Indian discoveries, the Fall 2004 issue of American Indian included an article on Native women who have been political and cultural leaders.

Courage and Compassion

With determination, grace & humility, these 13 Native women have devoted their lives to their people & cultures and have changed the political landscape of their times.

Wilma Mankiller
Roberta Blackgoat
Katherine Smith
Mary and Carrie Dann
Janet McCloud
Ingrid Washinawatok El-Issa
Rigoberta Menchu
Ada Deer
Roberta Jamieson
Ethel Blondin-Andrew
Annie Mae Pictou Aquash
Noeli Pocaterra

Comment:  Any list of leading Native women probably should include Elouise Cobell and Winona LaDuke.

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