Were these really the top performances of 2007? The year produced a bumper crop of Native movies: Four Sheets to the Wind, Mile Post 398, Imprint, and Turquoise Rose. Yet they earned only one FAITA award between them (to Sterlin Harjo for directing Four Sheets). What's up with that?
In November I listed the American Indian Film Festival's winners. I've seen all these films and yes, these people are deserving. Other performances may have been just as good--for instance, you might prefer Tamara Podemski as supporting actress in Four Sheets--but these are sound choices. They're a lot sounder than FAITA's choices seem to be.
I too was wondering what was up with this FAITA. I thought for sure I'd see 4 Sheets and Imprint up there in the awards. The awards given were to films I hardly heard about or were long ago. Maybe we need to wait 3 years from now for these films to be awarded by the FAITA?
Here's the answer on how to submit your films for consideration:
Submissions for the FAITA awards
Writerfella here --
Just remember that, along with the Entry Fees, be sure to submit lotsa flour tortillas! Mmmm, FAITAs!
All Best
Russ Bates
FAITA is an awards organization. It's like the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which bestows the Oscars. There are no entry fees.
I love the way you spread misinformation, Russ. You don't ask if there are entry fees, you tell us there are. I can't decide if you're an idiot or a liar or both.
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