September 04, 2008

NAJA's 2008 award winners

"Indian Country Today" lauded for editorial, graphicsIndian Country Today, the premier source for American Indian news, recently won two awards from the Native American Journalism Association (NAJA) for Best Online Visual Graphic and for Best Editorial.

“We are proud to have been honored by the Native American Journalism Association,” said Ray Halbritter, president and CEO of Four Directions Media, which publishes Indian Country Today. “NAJA is held in high esteem in the Native American journalism community and honors like this support our mission to provide high-quality news coverage for the American Indian community.”

Best Editorial nods went to Randi Rourke for her piece titled “Injustice for Indian Women,” while Marty Two Bulls received the award for Best Online Visual Graphic.
Comment:  For a complete list of the winners, see Native American Journalists Association (NAJA) Announces 2008 Award Winners.

Whether Indian Country Today is "the premier source for American Indian news" depends on how you define it. is the premier source in terms of breadth of coverage and frequency of updates. is the best at providing a daily overview: a balance between depth and breadth. And ICT obviously does the most original and in-depth reporting and analyses.

Incidentally, Randi Rourke told me at this year's NIGA that she was a fan of Newspaper Rock. So did journalist Kara Briggs, another NAJA winner. Nice to see people are reading the blog, even if they don't post comments.

For more on the subject, see Native Journalism:  To Tell the Truth.

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