Fans young and old thrilled to see icon perform close to home
It wasn't surprising that Dylan played to a packed house of 1,200 inside the casino's showroom; it wasn't even surprising that both presale tickets and general public tickets sold out in a combined 24 minutes.
What was surprising to many Dylan fans was that the music legend was even performing in Southwest County.
"My father-in-law called and said, 'You gotta see Bob Dylan once in your life,'" Temecula resident John Balland, 45, said. "This is a real treat to be able to see him here in town. I've been listening to him all my life. It is amazing."
For the first time, Foxwoods initiated an online registration process designed to minimize ticket-scalping, and it “worked very well,” according to Bruce Flax, director of tickets for Foxwoods and MGM Foxwoods.
“If you look on well known scalper web sites as of (Thursday) morning, you can see 200 to 300 tickets for sale for Miley’s show in California,” Flax said, “and none for our show.”

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