"Redskin," not "Red Skin." Duh.
"Redskin," not "Red Skin." Duh.
"Redskin," not "Red Skin." Duh.
"Redskin," not "Red Skin." Duh.
"Redskin," not "Red Skin." Duh.
That makes three more covers in addition to the first two. Add those to the nine text examples I gave and you have 14 examples of the magazine's title being "Redskin," not "Red Skin." Duhhh.
Writerfella here --
NOW, the public knows what the magazine looks like and how to find it! Thanks, Rob! Elsewise, they might never have been able to see it! Ka-CHING! Or in EuroMan's favorite parlance, Duh!
All Best
Russ Bates
I'm glad to see you haven't even tried to defend your stupid ignorance of the magazine's actual title. Good.
I hope you've learned something, although I doubt it. You'll probably continue to misstate its name because you don't quite grasp the English language.
Also, how do you figure people can find the magazine from this posting? I didn't give them the URL of its website.
As usual, your criticism misses the mark--perhaps because you don't understand how the Internet works.
Didn't Writerfella invent the Internet?
Writerfella here --
Nope, dMarks, but writerfella did invent Bill Gates and Al Gore (short story, "The Weather Men," ca. 1967). And writerfella did help invent the military Infranet (USAF, ca. '66 - '68).
All Best
Russ Bates
The public may know what the magazine looks like, Russ, but you don't. You're still asserting that the logos in front of your face say "Red Skin," not "Redskin." Which proves you're blind as a bat or dumb as a rock.
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