redskin goes further back .. before whitey .. the word redskin is so old - onekwen:tara - means redskin in mohawk .. it comes with a story, a part of our oral teachings .. the medicine wheel for example - representing the people of the earth as four colours - red - black - yellow - white .. iroquois, cree, navajo, aztecs, ojibwes, inuits, bloods, hurons, tutelas, seminoles, and etc. - all red .. greek, jewish, german, russian, irish, scottish, and etc. are all white .. all asians are yellow .. all africans and reggae listening jamaicans are blacks ..
your a smart boy schmidt you understand ..
Anonymous admits ignorance
"i had no clue that ppl put redskin up there with nigger"...thank you very much for admitting your ignorance in black and white. It saves me the trouble of having to point it out. I wish everyone would be so would save a lot of time.
Here, read up on the subject, Anonymous. Educate yourself:
R-word = n-word
The Redskin-macaca connection
"Redskins" not as bad as "N-----s," but close
At least your "Mr. Redskin" knew the magazine name would be controversial. You didn't even know that much. You "forgot" that Natives routinely protest being stereotyped as sports mascots? And you've never heard of Chief Wahoo?
Indians don't like "Indians"?
Moreover, you think most Indians object to the word "Indian"? I could introduce you to a few thousand Indians who could set you straight about that. In fact, your assertion is flatly wrong--as you'd know if you read "American Indian" vs. "Native American."
You don't use "Indians," "Natives," or "Aboriginals" to describe your ethnic group? Then what term do you use? Please don't tell me it's "Redskins." I'd love to hear from all the, er, indigenous people of the Americas who consider "Redskin" the preferred term for their ethnicity.
Wow. Is there any aspect of Indian affairs you aren't clueless about, Anonymous? If so, it isn't obvious.
Redskin the fire hose
There's a Redskin brand of fire hose? I checked and you're right, what? It's obviously called "Redskin" because fire hoses have a red rubber skin. And not because it resembles a Native American.
In other words, these are two unrelated uses of the word "redskin." One is an ethnic slur referring to Natives; one isn't. Try again and come up with something relevant this time.
There are streets and cities all over the continent named after the word "redskin"? Uhh...I don't think so. So far you've listed exactly one item--a fire hose--that uses the word "redskin." Give us a second item so we know you're not lying outright.
"Redskin" of Mohawk origin?
I've studied and written about the origin of the word "redskin." No one has ever claimed it came from a pre-Columbian Mohawk word. In particular, no Native has ever claimed that.
So before Europeans "discovered" America, the Mohawks knew about white, black, and Asian people? And they reserved the color red for themselves? Are you absolutely sure this wasn't a post-contact decision?
Many tribes came up with stories to explain the different races after they learned about them. But I've never heard of a tribe that knew about the races in advance. If the Mohawks also predicted world wars, computers, and moon rockets, they should join Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Sylvia Browne in the pantheon of prognosticators.
I suggest you take up the origin of "redskin" with lexicographers and your fellow Indians. You know, the people who consider the word an ethnic slur? When you convince them that they're wrong and you're right, then I'll take you seriously. Until then, no.
Below: Mr. Redskin mad because Rob criticize his magazine title. Boo-hoo, Mr. Redskin!

"the people of the earth as four colours - red - black - yellow - white"
There are hundreds of millions of "brown" people, maybe even much more that might object to being left out.
"all africans and reggae listening jamaicans are blacks"
All Africans? Even Libyans? This is also not true.
Well, black, red, yellow, and white are the sacred colors of some tribes, including the Lakota. And I believe many tribes have stories of how the races originated.
I think these stories often refer to white, black, and red men. Of course, Indians told these stories to interviewers long after the terms "black men" and "red men" came into common use.
I suspect it would be difficult to find stories that include the origin of "yellow men." That's because all these stories were attempts to explain the races after Indians encountered them. And Indians didn't encounter Asians until long after the stories were done.
So I agree with your basic point, DMarks. It's extremely unlikely that the Mohawks happened to divide the world into four races and happened to assign them the exact colors chosen by Europeans centuries later.
In the traditional (but outdated) classification, there are five races, not four: Capoid, Congoid, Caucasoid, Australoid, and Mongoloid. Mongoloid includes Asians and Native Americans. If the Mohawks were so prescient, why didn't they identify all five races? And why did they say Mongoloids were both yellow and red?
In fact, why didn't they identify any of the skin colors correctly? The actual colors would be something like dark brown, brown, grayish brown, light olive brown, and pinkish tan. How did they get from these shades to black, red, yellow, and white?
Wow all this controversy over a name? That's friggin' HILARIOUS and AWESOME!!!! How the heck can I get my hands on this mag that has everyone up in such a tizzy?
you twat .. schmidty schmidty schmidt ass .. you bleeding schmidty twat .. as much as its a yawn for you to hear your name dragged through schmidt and i know i know sticks and stones may break my bones and all that jazz .. i can't help but be amused .. but before you get bent out of shape i want to let you know .. your blogs have raised some points of interest .. your right I am not absolutely sure this wasn't a post-contact decision that the four colours red white yellow and black were some kind of crazy scheme to identify races .. i know and speak words so old schmidt maybe we did know about the other races .. maybe my ancestors did know the cancer of man and escaped it only to foretell of his inevitable arrival .. red skin .. its what i've been told all my life schmidt .. why can't you accept that .. its whats still being taught .. you keep your lexicographers cuz these are only words .. and so you know i identify myself as Haudenaushonee (Ho-din-no-sho-nee) which translates to people of the longhouse .. i also identify myself as an Onkwehon:we (Own-GWAY-hone-WAY) which translates to an original person .. I aslo identify myself by nation kanienkehaka (Ga-NYEAT-gay-HA-Ga) which translates to people of the flint (mohawk) .. i also identify myself by clan Ratiniahton or turtle clan .. and yes even onenkwentara the color red .. look at others that use red to identify: Redwire Magazine - Red Nation -Red X magazine .. i refuse to call myself indian or aboriginal .. i have however found myself using native .. if i'm talking to a white person i'll say native .. when i talk to another onkwehon:we i'll say onkwehon:we .. fact is most red ppl will identify themselves first in their own language .. its ridiculous that redskin is frowned upon .. when pushing the issue in albuquerque during one of the biggest pow wows .. everyone we spoke with LOVED it .. absolutely LOVED it .. the ppl couldn't get enough .. when we pushed it at the rogers centre in toronto the LOVE was prevalent there too .. maybe you should look past the negative .. instead of trying to find why its wrong and even worse convincing others why its wrong .. which by the way makes you a schmidty bleeding twat .. try and find why its right .. educate yourself .. yeah so twat eat a dick cuz thats what twats do .. you and your indians can fuck off .. me and my redskin'd onkwehon:we will be over here doing what we do .. what else .. you use I believe, and i think alot .. you don't know .. and you can't admit it .. what else, How did they get from these shades to black, red, yellow, and white? .. from stories past down .. our creation story tells of the good twin and the bad twin .. the good twin began to make people from the beautiful red clay and gave them life .. the bad twin wanted to make people too, so gathered white bubbles a waterfall made near by .. when he breathed life into his person .. his creation grew sick and collapsed .. the good twin made the deal that if the bad twin let him give life to his creation that he would control half his mind .. the deal was agreed and that was the creation of white people .. they worked together to make the yellow race and the black race using beautiful ingredients .. when done they gave each colour a role on earth .. the red peoples role is to stay connected to the earth .. to take care of their mother .. the white people were giving a sense of exploration .. to ask why? ..
.. gotta go
how come you haven't replied schmidt .. been waiting .. just reading through your bullshit again .. your a smart man .. but your the stupidest smartest white dude around .. just waiting to be proved wrong .. what an idiot ..
Elitists; def. a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience.
Rob Schmidt is better than the editor of Redskin Magazine. He just knows. If the world was run by this man we would have world peace, sustainable development and prosperity. His ideas are perfected, others are flawed.
Although I am not a great thinker like he obviously is, please allow me to share a few thoughts.
Stereotypes or Bust(s): Will Redskin magazine help or hurt Natives?
1. Why does Rob Schmidt care? What is the motive of this "white, anglo-saxon" columnist (colonist)? He must be here to save the "natives" with his snide brand of humor! Let's take another look at his powerful lyrics... "But for popular Native culture, you don’t need a magazine, since Newspaper Rock has it all" .. oh wait a second, maybe he is feeling threatened by the very "native subjects" he writes about. He's gotta make a living somehow, besides we can't have self-published native's writing about themselves can we?! He also wrote "How many young, urban Natives have enough disposable income to spend on this luxury item?”. Ouch. Coming from a white man this one is a low blow, I'm surprised no one caught this. Luxuries such as magazines aren't for us folk, we heard about magazines but can’t afford them. Hey thanks for helping us though.
2. Who are these "Natives" everyone keeps talking about? Everybody is a native to some extent; I enjoyed watching the natives warring against the immigrants in the Martin Scorsese film Gangs Of New York. Perhaps Mr. Schmidt wants to "help" the "Dead rabbits clan" while simultaneously "helping" the native natives... the Dead Rabbits have been oppressed for far too long! By far, Native American Indian should be the most offensive term because it implies we are Americans and not an independent nation. Even worse are "natives" talking about "our culture" .. the mysterious, ever present pan-indian omni-culture involving beating a drum and dancing. While we’re at it let’s take the color red out of the Anishnabe medicine wheel because it’s racist!! White, black, yellow and brown are the politically correct colors!
3. Self-determination. We affirm the right to define ourselves and I support Redskin in their decision to identify with this English label. Redskin can be racist when hurled from the lips of a hateful white man but these kinds of people usually will use the term ‘dirty indian’ instead; it depends on who is using the phrase and what kind of motives they have by saying it. Just hang out around Caledonia and you can hear for yourself. All English naming conventions are false anyway, why argue over which ones are more false than others. First Nations, Native American, Indian, Redman, are all non-indigenous terms. We used to call humans “Ogwehonwe” but would you want this specific magazine to utilize our original language? This could have caused even more criticism from traditionalists due to the non-traditional material in the magazine. It would then seem that you the naysayer would prefer if his magazine targeted a vague ‘minority’; perhaps they should have named the magazine ‘Non-whiteskin” instead of Redskin, or perhaps you simply wish they didn’t start a magazine at all. Either way you cannot tell another flesh and blood being how they should define themselves without being hypocritical especially when the naming is done in a foreign language. Thanks for being offended on my behalf but it’s really not necessary.
Out of all these postings this has got to be the funniest, most entertaining 'schmidt' i've seen.
"I really love a good rant. Like when Peter from The Family Guy got a spot on the news called, You Know What Really Grinds My Gears! - good wholesome entertainment right there. So, Redskin really grinds schmidtys' gears, right? Why? .. is schmidty some kind of righteous spirit of words here to reflect the madness and evils of specific his-stories? .. Why does this whole thing matter at all to schmidty? .. Maybe our schmidty had his life traumatically flipped upside down and inside out by the word Redskin - like being forced to suck the mighty dick of Redskin .. Maybe he's an idiot with idiot friends who together roam the earth doing mindless idiot things causing chaos and confusion where ever he goes - like a Super-Idiot .. Maybe, his dog told him do it - that happens too you know."
Aww!! Schmidt, you were owned!
Ask your fellow Natives why many of them consider "redskin" an ethnic slur. They're the ones who made this determination. I'm simply repeating what they said.
For more detailed answers, see Confusing "Red" and "Redskin" and Rob Knows Best About Redskin?
Ok, First thing is you should know more about the First Nation before writing about it. Even the more immediately relevant 7th gen. prophecy ( has a short version).
Second, although we didn't have a written history, we have a VERY STRONG ORAL HISTORY.
Third, No, I don't believe that C.C. was the first one to come here as there is some evidence of European remains much older than 600yrs ago inconus. (In Continental U.S.)
And Finally, there are some that prefer "Indian" and others that prefer "Skins", but that depends largely on who's saying it, the context and most of all what part of the country you're in (from my experience).
I'd like to say this though, with ALL the bullshit going on right now with govt's involvement in casino revenues, ELDERS and tribes being beaten & robbed of "their land" (you know what I mean), their homes & culture. WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL THIS HUB-BUB ABOUT SUCH PETTY SHIT FOR?!
Please get involved even in the most minute way in your local res or territory. Donate your ears to your wise elders, and lets all pull our heads out of our asses, get together & DEFEND OURSELVES as one group, one large voice for our rights & the rights of our mother (Earth). This bickering over such petty shit is what got us to the feeble point we're at now! PS -- Who's gonna be the asshole to spell-check this & do nothing in their community?
Ok, 2 corrections:
1 - Continent is more correct, &
2 - We're not "feeble", but divided to the point that people fuck with us & it dosen't make the 5 o'clock news when you have Cops comming onto territories (where no one outside of that Nation(s) has ever set foot), physically dragging elder women off of our land, the bullshit that went un-noticed to the rest of the us in '04-'06 & now.
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