May 20, 2010

"Karuk Voices" at film festival

Karuk Tribe looks to share history at film festival

By Matt DrangeHistory is on the agenda tonight, and it will be shown through the lens of the Karuk Tribal youth.

”Karuk Voices” is an oral history project that highlights the lives of Karuk tribal elders with documentaries that tell their stories. Ruth Rouvier, who is the Language Program Coordinator for the tribe, began working with a handful of children on the project in August of last year.

”Some of us were beginning to worry that the stories from the elders were slowly being lost,” Rouvier said.

The project is funded by a $10,000 grant from the California Story fund, which is part of the California Council for the Humanities. The money allowed the tribe to hire a videographer to come in and train children on how to use a video camera and edit material. In all, there will be four separate videos, each featuring the story of a different tribal elder.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Youth to Film "Karuk Voices" and Native Documentaries and News.

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