By Shondiin Silversmith
That is what Veronica Ann Lind believed when she went to audition for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, possibly the most famous cheer squad in pro sports.
Lind said she first wanted to be a "DCC," as she calls it, when she watched the Cowboys' games on TV as a child growing up in Austin, Texas.
Her family has roots in Fort Defiance, but she was born in Panama and has lived in Texas for much of her 23 years.
"I first decided to be a DCC when I was a very young girl," she said. "My stepdad, a strong cheerleaders supporter, always told me I would be a DCC."
I wonder what Lind's goal will be when she no longer qualifies to be a "DCC." Which should happen in a few short years.
At least she didn't get the job by dressing up as a stereotypical Indian princess. I hope.
For more on the subject, see Male Warriors and Female Princesses and Native Girls Judged on "Poise," Makeup.

One must realize, that the cheerleaders are fanservice.
Fanservice girls are allowed two dreams: Some pie-in-the-sky dream, the higher the pie the better, and...a dream to be a fanservice girl.
If she's athletically capable of being a cheerleader, she may have a background in dance/aerobics/gymnastics. Many performers, when they are too old to keep performing, teach instead- a former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader is an impressive thing to have on your resume when opening a studio. She could be working towards a degree in physical fitness sciences (I have no idea what the specifics are) and work in any number of positions.
I dislike the dichotomy of male athletes/female eyecandy as much as anyone, but these girls are just as physically fit as the players on the field and do have options ahead of them, maybe more, since they presumably aren't suffering the staggering number of concussions that trouble football players later in life.
She had a goal, worked hard, and achieved her goal. Wow. What a horrible role model.
Come off it. She did exactly what she wanted to do. Who are you to judge the merit of her goals? Some would say having an obnoxious blog isn't a very aiming for the moon either.
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