TeePee Games--about us

TeePee Games is headquartered in London, United Kingdom
Management Team
We think the casual game industry has been run by cowboys for too long, now it's the turn of the indians! Read more
Someone has to pay for the peace pipes. Read more
Gather round the campfire braves, the Chief has a story to tell. Read more
Want to join our Chief and become a tribesmen? Read more

Click on the profiles below for more info
Wise Man
Tony Pearce
Chief TeePee
Simon Jones
Chief Dream Catcher
Charles Macleod
Darren Newman
Chief Scout
Lauren Omond
Head Squaw
Marc Woodhouse
Cave Painter
James Duncan
But the grand prize for stupidity has to go to "Cave Painter." There may be a few cases of Indians painting in caves, but it wasn't a regular practice. The TeePeaBrains obviously are thinking of the Cro-Magnon people colloquially known as cavemen. Incredibly, they've confused a modern American minority with an extinct subspecies of primitive cave-dwellers. Thanks for telling us that Indians = cave painters = prehistoric brutes, idiots.
Also worth noting is the background design on the home page. A campfire on the left, a cow or buffalo skull on the right. Sparse vegetation between them, suggesting a barren desert. Mesas and poles (cacti?) in the distance.
This type of scene vies with chiefs and teepees as the most stereotypical Native imagery. It implies Indians live in the remote wilderness somewhere. Presumably they're dressed in ragged buckskins, grubbing for roots and berries, like some sort of human coyotes.
Never mind that 70% of Indians live off the reservation in cities, or that they all uses cars, phones, and computers. To Teepee Games, Indians are an inferior subspecies of human, primitive and savage. Hence the "racist" tag in the title.
People on Facebook were predictably outraged. Some of their comments:
We could do crackergames.com where they sit around a Hooters figuring out how to rape, steal and colonize.
WOW....I don't even have words to describe how wrong on so many levels that site is....
Wooooow...just goes to show how ignorant some people still are.
We can't wait to hear from you!
Just reply to this email to beta@teepeegames.com
Most people who see this website will think: "Yes, Indians were primitive people of the past who wore headdresses and lived in teepees. Since the site confirms my thinking about them, it must be right."
If you're still not clear on this company's problems, read any of several dozen postings on hipster headdresses and related subjects. For instance:
"Indian Market Special" headdress
Tribalism is trendy
Khloe Kardashian thinks she's Native
Callaloo stereotypes "Native Americas"
Natives attack "Indians" showband
Below: People in the British Isles seem to love their racist perception of Indians. Here's the same type of stereotyping by a similar group of people.

Its ironic how you (Rob) view these representations of "indians" as being racists, yet, Newspaper Rock itself, is a non-native site exclusively open to non-native responses to racism againsts American Indians without tribal input or native views.
Racism caused by non-natives, defined by non-natives and expressed by non-natives? Pretty watered down if you ask me!
Hi other anonymous. I take issue with the way Rob presents some of his stories too. There are legitimate criticisms of Rob letting his agenda get in the way of honest reporting, but accusing him of preaching out of his own head in a bubble free of native input is not one of them. Usually the worst he does is omit facts that make him 75% right instead of 95% right.
Here is a list of genuine natives that Rob has regular communication with.
True, this list is of people that vet his comic, but it would be naive to think these people would keep quiet if they had a problem with his other native projects like this blog.
You're sadly mistaken about Newspaper Rock, Anonymous #1. There are no limits whatsoever on who can comment. The blog has thousands of Native readers and many of them have commented over the years. In fact, Kiowa writer Russell Bates must've posted close to a thousand comments by himself.
When I wrote "people on Facebook were predictably outraged," I was referring mainly to Natives. You do realize that roughly half my Facebook friends are Native, right? Same with the people who follow me on Twitter, respond via e-mail, etc. This posting exemplifies how I get feedback from Natives constantly.
FYI, I almost never take a position outside the Native mainstream. I couldn't work for the Native website Pechanga.net or write for the Native newspaper Indian Country Today if my views weren't consistent with theirs. I've earned my living as a Native media writer and editor for the last decade, so I assure you they know what I'm doing. And approve of it, in general.
Really, what's your basis for misstating that this blog is "exclusively open to non-native responses"? Did you just make it up out of thin air, or what? It's a complete fiction, a total fabrication. Wherever you got your cockeyed belief from, it's wrong.
P.S. That list of advisors is out of date, though I still consult with some of them. Since social media took off, I get a lot more input than I did when we were limited to e-mail. I probably could list dozens of Natives who read my postings regularly and advise me if I go astray.
Hello, I am a 'bona fide, card-carrying" Native American woman and I can tellyou that this website and the photos on it are HORRIBLY RACIST. You want to know why no Natives have posted on this site to tell you how disgusting and racist these images are? Because we are sick and tired and exhausted from attempting to "educate" ignorant people. Will you change? Will you take the pictures down? Excuse my negativity, but probably not. What would help you? What can I do to help you understand how hurtful it is to see your culture - the things that are sacred and vital to your existence - made into a mockery by people who just don't know any better? I live on my reservation; I love my children; I learn my language and ceremonies. All I can say is: please stop. Please educate yourselves.
Expect MORE assinine antics from enterprises like this in the UK. The UK is in such a serious state of moral degeneracy and social decay on so many fronts that I doubt if they as a society will last too much longer...
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